The Polyfold Project was a top secret nanotech project at Amplicorp, intended to enable easy terraforming for the reshaping of Zenitaf and the reversal of environmental damage done to the planet by Yurigans.

Their current design is not properly documented as they adapt and evolve too quickly to precisely map, but they were originally designed with the following core specifications.


Electro-Magnetic Bond Weakening

The nanites can subtly weaken molecular bonds by reversing the charge holding them together. This is what gives them the ability to disassemble and reconstitute most matter.

Mesh Data Storage

While each nanite can only hold a few bytes of data, a collective of nanites can hold a massive amount of data collectively, including redundancies in the case of data loss.

Mesh Processing

The Nanites process data similar to brain cells. Using their individual connections and associations to interpret data.

Interlocking capabilities

The nanites can create hard-links between one another to form strong structures.

Ion Navigation Thrusters

For basic navigation individual nanites can utilize the same apparatus responsible for their molecular bond control to move themselves using ion thrust. small clusters of nanites can move using just this even in a gravity well. But when forming a larger collective they generally need to create specialized structures for locomotion.


The standard nanite structure can be seen as a sort of “stem cell” that can be reworked into specialized cells for different purposes.