Lumina and the Shogun sit in their quarters, awaiting instruction from their employer. “We’ve been waiting all day. I don’t know how many more times I can effortlessly beat you.” Lumina said as she placed a blue card on the pile. “Surely it can’t be much longer.” Jack answered. Abruptly, the door to the guest quarters slid open, revealing the dainty blonde they called their boss. “Alright, you two. I’ve got a bit of a different assignment for you today. Normally, I’d be doing it myself- however my attention has been drawn away by unforeseen hysteria from the company’s shareholders.” Leena declared. “Go ahead and gear up; we’ll discuss more outside.”

Not long after, the duo steps outside into a courtyard with their gear in tow. A warm breeze permeates the thin air. The circular skylight above showers the garden below in a cool, azure glow. A path through the wisteria-hued garden offers a view of Leena, patiently awaiting their arrival. 

Leena glanced at the two. “I’m going to be honest- this assignment does not require that much gear.” Lumina shot a puzzled glance. “But I didn’t change clothes? What do you mean?” She then looked over to Jack, and her expression became irritated. Slung over his shoulder was a multi-pod guided rocket launcher- and cradled in his arms there was a heavy machine gun. “… Was I not supposed to bring all this? I wanted this to be a quick job.” JJ asked anxiously.

Leena glared. “You don’t need any of your guns right now. I need this deal to go over as smoothly as possible, so please- just leave those with me. We really don’t want our client getting any wrong ideas.” “Sorry, boss.” The Shogun did as he was told and left the bulky ordnance at his feet. Lumina loosened her hold on her revolver and as it dissolved, radiant particles were scattered to the winds. Leena took notice of the weapon’s departure and whispered under her breath. “Fascinating… I’ll need to take a look at that when you get back.”

With the gear situation under control, Leena began her briefing. “Today, I’d like you to go down and visit a dear friend of mine. It’s been a few months since we had our last meal together, and I don’t like to keep him waiting.” She turned around, and despite there previously being no indication of an object beyond her, she bends over and grabs a nondescript thing. Only after she returned was it clear she was hefting the cadaver of a Tavish employee by his ankle- using only one arm. “This one talked a bit too much, which is why I’ve seen fit for him to join your party. I believe he will make a decent offering.”

Jack stared at the corpse, vaguely recognizing his face. “You talk about it like some kind of blood sacrifice. I’ve done a lot of odd jobs for you, but I think this may take the cake.” Lumina grinned. “You say he’s a decent offering, and I agree! I’d eat him too.” Leena slung the body over her shoulder and turned around. “Well, you’re both not far off. Our client’s terms allow us to operate on this planet and study it and in return it gets a few gourmet meals like this one. I believe it’s quite fair. Please follow me.”

Leaving the courtyard for the front garden, Leena happily bounds down the path, cadaver in tow. Lumina and the Shogun follow, but at a reduced pace. Nearing the end of the path, a cliff edge with a massive elevator shaft in it becomes more and more apparent. Leena slows to a stop and heads down a ramp leading to a subterranean level. Wall to wall, the room is lined with ground vehicles, from sports cars, to motorcycles, to tanks. Finally, Leena stops at a small, dated buggy equipped with chunky off-road tires and loads the body into the rear.

”Once I load this onto the elevator, you should be ready to go.” She placed the keys into the ignition, shifted it into gear, and drove it down the hall of vehicles towards the large, round elevator platform in the cliff face. She gets out, leaving the car running. Now facing JJ and Lumina, she gestures towards the buggy. “Get in, then you’ll get your instructions.” With a defeated look, Jack takes the passenger seat. “I can’t drive, so I hope you can, Lumina.” Lumina scoffs. “Are you kidding me? How have you not driven a car at all?” JJ kept quiet as Lumina happily hopped in the driver seat.

Leena walks to the front of the car, facing the two head-on. “It should be relatively simple to get there. This elevator will descend four kilometers, and then it should only be a few moments of driving until you reach the entity’s chamber. Once there, apologize for my absence and then deliver its meal. If there is any turbulence, please give me a call."

"Aye aye, captain!” Lumina said coyly, rolling her eye. With a somewhat reserved look, Jack shuts his eyes and simply nods. The platform begins its descent as Leena waves a keycard across its control panel. As her silhouette shrinks, she withdraws from the edge of the pit and allows her employees to sink into the abyss. 

For a short while, the glass walls of the elevator gave way to a view beyond the cliff walls- out onto the rocky, overgrown surface of the planet Thanatos. A fleeting panorama of the lush violet mountains, the only part of the planet most will ever see. To go below their elevation, whether above or below ground, is to risk life and limb. And so, Lumina and the Shogun were leaving the alps’ serene security on this mission.

Finally, the view of the landscape abruptly ended as the platform plunged below the surface. The first kilometer of the journey was complete. From now on, the journey would continue in near-blackness. Lumina flicked on the headlights of the buggy, illuminating the platform at the very least, but it did nothing for the view overhead. To stare up was to stare into the void.

Despite the elevator’s blistering pace, it was painfully silent. The thick, gloomy air and the stillness made the moments melt together, minutes now feeling like hours. But then, the platform’s momentum began to taper off, gently letting the crew down at the base of the lift. The four-kilometer journey had lasted a total of only 12 minutes. Now at the bottom, the darkness was thick enough to cut with a blade.

Lumina shifts the buggy into its crawler gear and it takes off down the dusty rock surface. The headlights of the vehicle illuminate a limited area; only enough can be seen to barely navigate the grotto. There is the stench of petrichor in the air, and it only intensifies as the duo drive further. But finally, they reach a wide clearing- large enough that the far side of the cavern is not even remotely visible in the buggy’s headlights. 

After shifting the car into neutral and pulling the parking brake, Lumina turns the car off. Both her and Jensen now stand outside the buggy. Lumina raises her hands and claps twice in a somewhat commanding way. Suddenly, the cave is fully immersed in immensely dazzling light. “Couldn’t you have done that sooner? Maybe while we were driving the whole way through that pitch black passage?” Jack asked, raising his arm to block a small amount of the light.

Without warning, the cavern begins to pulse and convulse. Rubble around the duo begins to rattle and roll off the cliff into the abyss. Eventually though, this rockbound seizure comes to a close. This was only the beginning, though. Smooth, inky tendrils creep up and around the cliff face, and bulkier tentacles position themselves in front of the two, facing them head-on. The cave shivers and the being begins to vocalize. Not through sound, but rather by penetrating into their consciousness.

”Have you come to make an offering? I can smell it… its aroma is intoxicating. Will Leena be making an appearance today? I was hoping to discuss our arrangement.” Jack stepped forward and spoke. “She’s been pulled away by an unexpected event. We’ve been asked to fill in today. I apologize for her absence.” Jack hoisted the carcass from the rear of the buggy and threw it over his shoulder, gently leaving it in front of the cliff edge. He then lightly bows to the creature.

”So this is Leena’s new favorite retainer… She has spoken of you during our previous visitations. And who could you be, pink one? ” Lumina’s eye went wide, not expecting the creature to address her. Taken aback, she lost her words. Jack’s brow raised as he slightly tilted his head. “I could ask you the same thing. Who are you? How could something like you take root here of all places?” The tendrils shifted, leaning closer to the duo. “You may call me Yaldabaoth, The Omnivorous. My hyphae first took root many millennia ago, and my consumption now knows even the deepest reaches of this planet.”

The tentacles turned to face Lumina once again. “Your aura is perplexing… and your stench revolting. No planet in this universe birthed you- and so you are a perfect curiosity. Please, come closer…” Lumina shuffles away from the creature. “I showered this morning! What do you mean?” Jack steps in front of her. “What do you mean, curiosity? You going to dissect her or something? I can’t let you do that!” Jack spat, baring his teeth. He clutches the scabbard of his sword with his left hand, preparing to draw by placing his thumb on its guard.

The thicker tentacles motioned as if to shrug. “Settle down. I would do no such thing. A specimen such as her should certainly be allowed to live- but I believe I would be doing everyone a disservice if I didn’t discover how she ticks.” In a flash, one of the smaller tentacles changes shape, becoming as sharp as a blade. Then, it flies through the air at Lumina’s elbow, effortlessly severing the limb below. A chilling realization struck all in attendance- despite the grievous wound, there was no blood.

Instead, the surface of the wound gave way to a crystalline interior, refracting a gleaming radiance from somewhere within. As the severed limb careened through the air, one of Yaldabaoth’s limbs went to catch it. But as they collided, the arm crumbled into radiant particles; just as her revolver had only a while ago. And as they slipped out of the creature’s grip, its posture changed to one of acquiescence.

It dragged the previous offering into the pit below, and a harsh crunching of bone and sinew could be heard. For a brief moment, all became silent. “Ah… That is unfortunate. I must apologize, my hunger for knowledge got a bit carried away. If I can assist you in any way, then…” The being trailed off abruptly, seeming to lose its train of thought. Lumina typically would have found this situation hilarious, but her thoughts too were ripped away, realizing the tingling sensation of her stump was not from pain, but rather of growth.

Immediately, as she took notice of the sensation, there was an immense wave of pressure rushing down her arm. As a cartilaginous cimmerian bone erupted from the stump, Lumina came to question what she even was now. She had always assumed she was just a human. Immediately after the bone had sprouted, a dozen turquoise tendrils gushed forth from the arm, wrapping around it like yarn around a spindle.

The same process continued with her hand, until all of the musculature in her arm had redeveloped. A thick film developed on its surface, matching the whole arm’s color with her skin. All seemed to be the same, until she turned the hand over to reveal a gaping maw, with a pit within that seemed to stretch deeper than her hand could fit.

Lumina jumps out of her own skin at the sight, letting out a piercing shriek that reverberates along the cave walls. Jack, already wide-eyed from the sight of the arm’s regrowth, mumbles out a question. “What’s.. what’s wrong?” Lumina turns her hand to face him, its jaws still wide open. He flinches, eyes opening wider still. Suddenly, the two are interrupted by an intense flash over Lumina’s shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, a little pink fox took the place of that flash, gently falling onto Lumina’s shoulder. Her posture loosened up immediately, and her expression became one of relief. The kitsune looked to Lumina’s arm, dissatisfied with her carelessness. “Ahm, this wasn’t supposed to happen so soon… You need to be more careful over losing your limbs. There’s only so many times your body can regenerate while keeping its original form.” Confused, Lumina was about to ask what she meant by that; but before she could open her mouth, the fox was gone again.

JJ held his stunned expression, taking a step back. “What’s that thing doing down here? I thought it was just your pet!” Lumina’s eye narrowed. “Ninko’s not my pet! This isn’t the time to discuss that, anyway! I want out of here already!” And with that, Jack threw her onto his shoulder with an exasperated sigh. He then walked back to the buggy, placing her in the driver’s seat. Taking his own seat, he mumbles to himself. “Maybe I should learn how to drive…”

Lumina started up the car, and as they made their way back, not a word was exchanged between the two- for there was no space in either of their heads for words. The car jerked about as Lumina’s new hand bit down on the wheel, preventing her from keeping it steady. But finally, they made it back to the elevator. And as the outside world came back into view, the landscape was draped in warm light as the sun receded beyond the mountains.

”Yes, boss- I recorded the entire encounter. I hope you learn something from it.” Leena grinned at the sound of that.