Competitor to Tavish Augmetitech, producing implants at a similar scale.
Swiss clockmaker Leonard Accola was approached by the Nazi Wunderwaffe division of the government to help them engineer their “Hyperboreische Übermenschen” sometime early in WWII. Realizing the Nazis didn’t care too much about compensating him- everything they could muster was going to the war- which he couldn’t care less about. Not only did he jump ship with all his research and prototypes, he also leaves with one of the human test subjects of the Nazis’ experimentation. Eventually, he fled Switzerland for the United States along with the woman.
After the clockmaker fled to the US, he started a shop out of a small building in Washington to recoup the losses he incurred paying favors to escape the Reich. Before long, however, the US government contacted the man and put forth their own proposition; he could assist America’s own, more feasible (and profitable) super soldier program. Knowing the Americans actually pay the people they contract, he agreed, and Leonard’s Timekeepers was born.
Leonard’s Timekeepers was given its seemingly innocuous name to avoid divulging its real purpose to the public; creating masterwork prosthetics for important military personnel who were damaged after being in the line of fire. After the conclusion of WWII, Leonard’s Timekeepers went on to continue their work with the United States by developing their technologies further- exoskeletons, prosthetics, sensory implants. All of this for the sake of America’s wounded veterans, and future soldiers.
Currently headed by Eika Evelynn Accola.