The Neolanders have developed a standardized snapper system based on the idea of widespread compatibility for all sorts of items within Resonite. Unless otherwise specified, the items that operate within this framework are kept at default global scale and oriented so that “forward” (if applicable) is along the positive Z-axis.
The most common snapper tag is “RingThing”. This tag is used by small gems, bow ties, camera lenses, and much more. If the item in question is roughly fist sized, it can be a RingThing. RingThing SnapTargets are commonly found in or on eyes, antennae tips, and item holsters.
This tag is the most in-depth in terms of required systems. See the RustyArm documentation for more details, as NeolanderArm uses all the same functions.
Rustybot’s Modularity Tags
Most Neolanders are compatible with many of the Rusty Drone avatar’s snapper tags. For a more in-depth look into the Drone’s modularity systems, see the Drone Modularity section of the user manual.
Objects with RingEdible are eligible to be destroyed when snapped.
Dynamic Variables
Talking Lights
Many of the Neolanders have emissive visuals on them that react to speaking. The color of these materials and textures are driven by a variable called “User/RustyTalkingLights” of type ColorX. Many objects, tools, and modular parts made by The Neolanders will react to this variable to match the color of the user.
Lights Color
Similar to talking lights, the variable “User/LightsColor” of type ColorX is used to denote the resting emissive color of the user.