Yuris (Your-Riss) is a star located in the outer Milky-Way Galaxy in The Primary Timeline. It is a blue giant, and is currently the core of a Dyson Sphere created by Memento as a monument to The Zenitaf Calamity and the lives lost.
The Yuris Anomaly
Through extensive research it is eventually discovered by The Ringleaders that at the core of Yuris exists an ancient Underspace breach, the only naturally occurring one in The Primary timeline. This has caused Yuris to have an unnaturally long lifespan for a blue giant, and caused slight alterations to the physical materials of the planets that originally orbited it. This allowed the Yurigans to develop formulas for materials that were otherwise impossible elsewhere in the primary timeline, such as the room-temperature superconductor integral to the function of Hardlight, Yurigan AIs, and hover-engines. The weakened local membrane also allowed for the fledgling research of Tear-gates, originally discovered by Amplicorp, and expanded upon by Memento. Due to being entirely a consequence of the local anomaly, the materials that allow this advanced Yurigan technology to function are extremely scarce, only naturally occurring in the celestial bodies that were formed in the light of the star. There have been successful attempts at creating these alloys with artificial Underspace breaches in the Primeline, but the process is slow and inefficient.