Within the fabric of Overspace lies endless pockets of varying realities. It is not uncommon that these realities live out their existence unaware of each other’s presence contained in the upper dimension. It is through this ignorance in which hungry entities, born of resource starved realities, can take their advantage.

Chroyane was a reality nearing its end. No one knows when the new gods came into being but the consequences of ignoring their request was never a subtilty. Never was a voice heard from the deities but it was clear what satiated their appetite. Sacrifice.

Chroyane housed a vast universe, vast, but almost completely barren of life and heat sustaining resources beyond a handful of concentrated pockets. It was fairly easy for the society of mages living nearest to the largest concentration of resources to gain intergalactic dominance, as there were none who could develop to a significant enough degree to oppose them. This ruling class of mages, while well off in comparison to all other living beings, lived in desperation. Their spells were born of cruelty and a need to dominate. Their histories built atop slaughtered civilizations and slaves. It is no wonder that when the new gods came calling, when whole galaxies were swallowed up, that they resorted to their darkest of rituals. Those residing in the offering of living essence, otherwise known as blood magic.

What had only just reached what could be considered an organized intergalactic civilization descended into feral existence. Tribes of independent blood mages working against each other, sacrificing whatever life they could to lengthen their own existence. Their rituals only slowed their new gods appetites, those who could not appease were swallowed in whole. By the end of this reality, nearing it’s heat death, tribes found themselves on a small set of cooling volcanic rock bodies, overlooking the cold carcass of the final solar system of the final galaxy. Empty and frozen rock bodies, their cruel histories lost to record. The only remaining testament to their existence a scattering of pyramids, built from the bones of the countless civilizations sacrificed and cooled lava rock that will never again feel heat. The largest of which was built at the center of the blood mages civilization, atop a crag in their great volcano Sar Mell that gave them the source of their power.

The last moments of the universe had less than a hundred living entities remaining. Pushed back to the crag of Sar Mell, the last source of heat in the universe, the remaining blood mage clan gathered their prisoners of varying specie. They dawned the ceremonial markings and colors of the clan. A wash of blue as a plea to the gods to return the skies and oceans, and stripes of red to mark their offerings as bound to servitude even beyond this life. The great eye of their deities watched above as one by one, the remaining members of a long since conquered blood line were offered up atop the horrid pyramid Anogrion. The ceremonial blade, plunged into one heart after another, the warm bodies pushed into the open bubbling lava pit. Out which poured an aura of molten rock and life energy that floated above the onlooking crowd, streaming towards the onlooking eye in the sky which held a thousand names. Known to this clan as Meraxma, the eye absorbed the flowing essence.

What came next is something not even the eye Meraxma could foresee, a medium sized dog, a surviving pet of the enslaved blood line, was was carried atop the pyramid. Adorned with the ceremonial colors, there was nothing significant about this creature beyond being the last remaining in it’s species. The dog had survived to this point out of the grace of one of the clan’s children which had kept it hidden until it’s discovery less than a week prior. That child had already met their fate atop Anogrion hours before. Since losing it’s companion the dog had become vicious, clawing and biting those who handled and came near it. It’s wailing could be heard to all who remained as it was placed upon the altar. The mage lifted the blade towards Meraxma as per the ritual, recited the words of binding. Down came the blade into the heart of the dog as it let out a final wail. In this moment the dog brought it’s jaw down around the hand of the mage, puncturing the skin deeply causing the mages own blood to run freely and fall upon the animal below across the bridge of it’s snout. The mage recoiled to curse the enslaved blood lines name to Meraxma, only to look up to see a lightless void taking the place where moments ago the great eye was watching.

The stream of molten rock and life aura fell from above and landed atop the onlooking crowd, and pyramid, smothering all but the two life form’s left atop the pyramid. Lava bubbled violently from the top of the Anogrion, quickly pouring out and over to where the altar stood. The fading dog rose into the sky towards the new void, splattered with the mages blood, an offering made to a no longer existent entity. Left below the mage cursed in drowned out words and incantations as lava slowly bubbled up around them with no where left to go. Above, the dog appeared to dissolve into a swirly mass of black and red chaotic energies headed towards the void. The ritual needed it’s patron.

Matter itself was consumed into the swirling mass of energies. It took little time for the Anogrion and it’s celestial body to be consumed into it’s mass. At the center of these energies, a pinkish red sphere began to form. Tendrils snaked towards the center in similar pattern to how one would see a fetus form. As more matter was consumed, more did the new creature inside grow. From the surrounding celestial bodies, to barren cold solar systems and beyond, all would soon condense into this new being. The reality of Chroyane becoming condensed into a single being, a filler for the void left behind from Meraxma. Time itself broke down as Chroyane restructured it’s matter into something new. Not a god, as the ignorance of the long gone clans of blood mages would have told. Rather, a singular consciousness built of an entire reality. Meraxma was never a group of deities, but one of these consciousnesses. An energy hungry creature within Overspace. An Overspace creature is exactly what was now being formed again within the void of this creatures absence. A new abomination born of blood magic and a sudden Overspace anomaly which suddenly ceased the existence of the creature once known as Meraxma. The new creature which would take on the name of Chroyane and Meraxma now expanded to the edge of the void which pierced into the bubble of a new reality.

Inside the sphere now a fully grown creature stirred, a creature whose form was a corrupt mix of canid and humanoid, ceremonial colors permanently stained to its skin. The Overspace creature to be known as Chroma, empty of memory in it’s fetal sphere, slipped into the bubble of a new reality.