A general story overview of Samuel Kurt, all dates listed are the dates within The Secondary Timeline, and on the planet Beynos, they reset their calendar to year 1 when they arrived to the planet.

Early Life

Year 589 - Year 601

Samuel Kurt, in comparison to his future, his childhood would be simple, being born onto New Terra City.

At an early age of 3 years old, his parents passed away due to simply not being in good health, and Samuel was passed around in foster homes as he attended a variety of schools, tending to switch homes just out of unfortunate circumstances they might happen to find themselves in. This inconsistency of a place to call home would lead Samuel to the only thing he could manage to find consistently, fiction.

Fictional worlds were his home for a while, a place where friendship prevailed, a place where things such as magic could exist in the palm of one’s hand if one simply took a grasp at it and used it to it’s potential. This found home of his would inspire his outlook for the rest of his life, the idea that if he tried hard enough, if he could want something enough, that he could absolutely without a single doubt in his mind achieve any goal no matter how unrealistic.

Of the age 10, his interests spanned way more than fictional books. He studied sciences way beyond his age range and into things most people around him wouldn’t even bother to take into. This would reveal to him a big flaw of the city he lived in, books would be mysteriously missing, books would have missing pages or full chapters missing, it left him to start writing his own information down in an attempt to solve this problem in whatever free time he could find and two years later he decided that if books from libraries could not even teach him what he wanted to know and he already knew what they were teaching him within school, that he didn’t need it, and proving his own intelligence superior, dropped straight out of school instead of trying to progress up further.

Year 602 - 609

He then spent three years venturing away from his city, were it not for the people he could come across town to town, it could’ve been a sort of isolation. Visibly anywhere outside his own city was much worse off, getting water from dirty wells, houses that could barely take the intense pressure of the hard rains the clouds gave off, and at points in his journey around Beynos he could go a month or two barely seeing a person around. The most notable parts of his travels is that the farther he got away from his original city, the more and more life there would seem to be in what he otherwise considered a bunch of purple rock and metals.

In the time he got back to his home city, he had made a rather large vehicle used to store whatever he was traveling with. He brought many plants that had never been seen before, and with those items doctors in the medical field had made many medicines from them, making Samuel known for a while as “The boy who traveled the world!“.

He took his time, setting his own home just outside the bounds of the city, and he would start making money off of selling items he had gathered, things such as rare and old artifacts to those interested purely in the ventures of supposed past civilizations, painstakingly detailed maps copied from his own original copy that he made, and completely new items made out of originally necessity in the wild, and then improved for the consuming of those in the city.

For the rest of three more years, he would set up his own workspace and house by hand, making a very difficult on himself as he wouldn’t take nothing more than perfect, constructing majority of the structure out of full metal, by the end the house made could theoretically withstand a variety of natural disasters without moving a single bit.

In those three years, he would spend his time snooping around where he really wasn’t meant to be in the search of meaningful information, any regular library would never had the information he needed to know where to continue next, but he knew that if there was a goal to accomplish that it wouldn’t be solved by being out in the wild, all he had to do was find a way to grasp the information he was looking for, he just needed to look a little closer.

In the center of New Terra City is a large building where the leader of the city lived, he broke his way into it and made his way under the building. Underneath were hundreds of old achieves, books and books worth of stored information on an extremely large computer, not having been touched in years, it had shown the true nature of the origins of the city and that the establish leaders of the city had been hiding hoards of information. Samuel would not let something like this stand, and by time he had finished his brand new home, he knew exactly what his next goal would be, which essentially would be to take down the current leader, and establish a new system of rule within the city.

Year 610 - 611

He would spend a whole year putting all of his efforts and energy into toppling what had been an establish rule of power for over 600 years, he had gathered every single document he could in both physical and digital form on the first day intruding on their inside structure, and spread it all throughout the city to establish irreplicable damage to the reputation of the leaders, revealing all the doings of the original goal the city had implemented, the lies and deceit in the education system alone was astonishing, history was turned on it’s head from every angle, and entire series of books could be recovered were they to simply be given up.

After a campaign unlike any other on Beynos, he convinced nearly the entirety of the city to get up in arms and get the information out of those old achieves and into the public. Many of the people within the city were to say Samuel should take place to manage the city, but instead with the newly found and revealed information, knew his next goal would to get the people of Beynos farther than ever before, he knew that he just needed some more time, with the new source of decades and decades of information, he could get out of the rock filled atmosphere in no time.

Year 612 - 614

This year, he establishes Mantra Innovators, he would figure out one of his first biggest goals, a fuel source. As efficient as the current one the city had been using was, was not usable, and barely portable enough.

He would gather his resources of newly found information, and his brains of unique information to create what he lazily labeled E.N.E.R.G.I. This singular invention alone would help him prosper to the creation of things that would assist him into making a project that would ride him out into space.

He would need many preparations that those launching off of earth would never have to make through, the biggest of hurdles needed to leave being the outermost atmosphere, what could be defined as a large cloud of orbiting rocks and gases that would cause large damage to any launched objects attempting to leave the atmosphere. It would either need to be strong enough to outright endure the barrage hitting the ship, or be small enough to weave through it.

Samuel went for the ladder option, as well as adding an additional experimental energy shield to the ship in case of emergency only. Just like that, at the end of 614, he went off into the atmosphere. He made it through the highest layer with not a single bit of damage, being the first person within the planet Beynos to see the clear beautiful spacey sky in centuries.

The miniature celebration would not last long as his ship would crash into a weak point in the universe’s lower membrane, causing him to have life long lasting effects on him until his death.

Year 615 - 625

The long lasting effects of the Splinter Anomaly would enhance his abilities beyond the believable intelligence for the average human, even unlocking Psionics in some forms through the sheer amount of damage Samuel’s soul had sustained from the event. He would spend the decade revolutionizing the technology of Beynos, getting every ounce of information he could on his own condition, having lengthy conversations with those he could through the Splinter Anomaly and documenting it or using it to continue his own progress, his end goal? He had two, to get those of Beynos off of the planet without abandoning their own history behind like last time, and an optional one that he once deemed impossible despite his own standards, to cheat death.

He spent years 619 to 623, four years of this decade with dedicated research, and although he was halfway able to simulate his mind, true, REAL artificial intelligence would seem to be out of his grasp, it would not really be him, not even close, and that was completely untrue to his goal, so he abandoned all projects, and without his knowledge, many of those fragmented experiments were preserved in some form throughout the Menos System by the many who worked with him.

By the end of this decade, he had progressed what was hundreds of years of progress lost to time. Automation to the best of his ability, spatial travel to different planets in the system, something very similar to QEC, and much much more that brought the entire planet and further to a higher point of living, much to the dismay of the health of the planets, but otherwise they were thriving.

Samuel on the other hand wouldn’t be, his now obsolete and unused first ever experimental source of power ENERGI left a sort of virus within him, and now rearing it’s head, would be causing his demise much sooner than he ever anticipated. He would be distraught, he felt as though he had decades more time to come to get out into whole separate systems, get further than ever, but at most he would theorize he only had around five years of his life left to live.

Not only would then be the last time he could even make an attempt to preserve himself in an artificial construct of sorts, he would need someone to take his role as CEO of Mantra Innovators in case of his ‘imminent’ failure approached sooner than expected.

Year 626 - 630

Samuel would have an encounter of The Swarm, revealing the existence of The Multiverse to him. He would then for a year be in contact with the very early Ringleaders, contacting them for as much information as possible on the nearly impossible task of getting himself into a digital copy.

His own universe’s rules would barely allow for it, no margin of error could be allowed, no hiccup or failure to construct such a machine and in such a little amount of time too. He would find a convenient and unlikely partner, allowing Rustybot to do research on him in an attempt to figure out the innerworkings of the Splinter Anomaly, would bring access to an alternate version of the Secondary Timeline, and soon enough would enter Sarah Kelly into his life.

Gaining the assistance of a strand of himself, Sarah would bring upon his attempts the existence of Animium, it would more than enough be just the thing he needed, something just barely within the bounds of his own reality and only managing to be invented within another, he would immediately begin what would be the successor to Mantra Innovators.

But… His life was cut short, he anticipated his lifespan a year too long, and within a week he went from relatively healthy to deathly ill, and as they gathered the last scan of his memories in the form that could be used, he took his last breath and would eventually wake as Unit 19 without a single gap in between.

Sadly, this would be the death of Samuel Kurt, although the process was completed a year or so later, they had to gather the rest of the information from the much older experiments made many many years ago, bits and pieces thrown together to attempt and finish Samuel’s mind.

This new creation would be Unit 19, not Samuel, an important distinction to make.