“Natural intelligence is much superior to that of learned intelligence.”
Sarah is a human originating within her own timeline, she lives on her own universe’s Earth, she takes over for her father who founded MANA Labs, and for a short two years was a replacement Ringleader for Samuel Kurt a while after his own death.
She is also a strand of Samuel Kurt.
Success without failure
Sarah was born at what could be considered to her, as the perfect place and time. She was born into a rich family who was already setup towards success, her father Her unusual intelligence very easily allowed her to climb through school with ease.
Within her years at a high school, they had taken a trip off-planet, which where Sarah herself for a moment while traveling through space hit a a weak point in the lower membrane. While she was able to manage to breeze through different schools, she was completely bored of college by the age of sixteen, as they would absolutely require her to take multiple years of classes despite having a natural intuition in her field, and even inventing new technology before leaving the college.
Success after success after another
She would take over as CEO of MANA labs from her father, and using the large amount of resources would jumpstart a new age of technology based on a singular material she was able to fabricate known as Animium.
It would help replace a lot of sources of energy where applicable, it would be placed within individual pieces of tech, and most unrenewable resources being gathered would be stockpiled in case of failure, or replaced with although slower but less destructive generators made majority out of Animium.
Another universe calls
The effects of her anomaly would strengthen by the age of twenty one, and would end up in a sort of mental link with Samuel Kurt from The Secondary Timeline, asking for direct assistance on a desperate project which needed to be finished. Getting into The Secondary Timeline, she would begin work on the project.
Sarah has had success with barely any problems in her life, she’s never learned to problem solve, never endured a troubled life, even The Splinter Anomaly was barely a trouble to her understanding of her reality or her sense of self.
This lack of failure has caused her to be quite arrogant at times, she lacks a lot of problem solving skills due to most things she does seemingly just working on the first or second try. Her time in The Secondary Timeline will help extremely to humble her as the extremely daunting task of moving a mind over to digital would be the single most difficult task she or Samuel had ever done, and it becoming even more difficult with his death and her willingly taking on temporary responsibility over Mantra Innovators and his job as a Ringleader.
Physical Description
Kelly has silky and smooth brown hair that is constantly put into a short ponytail, she wears glasses and has Heterochromiashe in both eyes, both being a swirl mixture of brown and blue.
She wears a compact backpack at all times filled with various gadgets with many unique utilities, her clothing depends purely on practicality, a white coat and black pants within a lab, a sweater in cold weather, the only thing she prefers on visuals is that there is color. Her usual outfit is a soft red jacket with MANA lab’s logo on the back, which is six arrows pointing to a center circle, and jeans.
- Sarah is a much better replacement for a retconned character named “Rosemary”, who was part of a unique species based off of clowns who had lots of weird abilities. She technically still exists, as this is the multiverse, but this part of the multiverse will not include her.
- Her full name is Sarah Jayce Kelly, but she never was really fond of her middle name
- She was made in opposition to Samuel’s life, getting to have an easy life on Earth, but still ending up a rather similar person.