AI in this case refers to specifically machines that have achieved some form of sentience, the ability to think and feel, but doesn’t exclusively refer to machines that have achieved sapience, the ability to be aware of the self and their existence.

Yurigan AI classifications

Yurigan AIs are ranked based on learning capacity and general awareness.


Class-D AIs are the lowest grade considered sentient, anything less sophisticated is considered basic machine learning, and is not capable of actual intelligence. They have the ability to learn and understand concepts as well as react to sensory in ways they have been taught to react, but have minimal critical thinking outside of their intended purpose. They are common for manual labor as they are cheap to produce and maintain, and have little capacity for higher ambition or disobedience.


Class-C AIs are where they begin to break into some capacity for sapience. They are used in more dynamic use cases where they might need to do thinking for themselves to keep things running smoothly, such as interacting with Yurigans. Their capacity for decision making does make it possible for them to disobey orders, however, they usually lack complex motivations, so problems are generally avoided with the simple solution of treating them with general decency. There have been a few cases where a Class-C AI learned enough from their environment to be upgraded to Class-B, but this is a rare occurrence.


Class-B AIs are highly intelligent AIs that are actually rather uncommon in general use because they are too similar to Yurigans and run a high risk of upgrading to Class-A. Since the legal recognition of advanced AIs as people, a few of the Class-B AIs that have been created have been allowed to live among Yurigans for the sake of scientific research and ethical concerns.


Class-A AIs are singularity level AIs that far surpass organic beings in intelligence and awareness. A Class-A has never been created intentionally, but usually occurs when a Class-B learns how to improve itself beyond its original programming. The threat of a malicious Class-A has led to many laws and regulations around the creation and handling of AIs above Class-D. However, the few Class-A AIs that had occurred have proven harmless, being raised with peaceful ideals and a capacity for empathy, though if it weren’t for the premature termination of Zenitaf and its residents, it would have likely been inevitable that one of these AIs would turn out for the worse.