- User Manual Info -


  • Base Model
  • Added left hand sword, Shield, and seat
  • Limbs are now modular


  • HUD implementation


  • Set up indicator icons


  • User Join notifier


  • Current face display feed


  • Emote Wheel (happy, deadpan, brow)


  • Functional Emote Wheel


  • Functional sad face
  • Face display no longer breaks when not at 1 global scale


  • Exosuit animation and helmet


  • Sounds added to booting and suiting


  • Added high five visuals
  • Added removable sword arm


  • Added exosuit gauntlets
  • High five to activate exosuit mode
  • Exosuit Drone MMC submission


  • Added time display
  • Added controller battery display
  • Added steam menu loading face
  • Added talking lights dynvar


  • Bugfixes
  • Minor tweaks
  • Added gauntlet thrust indicators
  • Drone now turns green when suited on sloppy
  • Bitbot now has dynamic thrust


  • Exosuit can now be disengaged by the wearer or pilot by holding both radial buttons
  • Thruster mode now has an indicator for current output strength


  • Added legs
  • Arms now retract on power down
  • Fixed security loophole in modularity
  • Restructured boot sequence
  • Fixed thrust particle mesh facing direction


  • New hidden menu system
  • Bitbot DroneCamera
  • Proper Finger animation system (finally!)
  • New emotes (wink, wide-eyed, angry, blush)
  • Bitbot now has dynamic thrust


  • Expandable modular hand transformations
  • Enabled manual access to gauntlets
  • Switching between hand modes without going to normal in between no longer breaks the finger positions
  • Right arm is now also a removable weapon


  • Anchor Space no longer duplicates itself if one already exists
  • Suit equipping now works on the first try
  • Ending modular mode animates the parts back to place instead of teleporting
  • Leg mode now has a notification icon
  • Sword now makes sound when swinging
  • High five sound doesn’t move with the Drone anymore


  • [UNSTABLE] First implementation of hand multitool (has devtip and logix, but only the devtip transformation)
  • Missing Bitbot


  • Multitool now has both transformations
  • Label and press indicator for logixtip now displays on HUD
  • Logixtip now visually transforms
  • Re-added Bitbot (hopefully permanently)
  • Added scaling to finger tweens to prevent them sometimes getting stuck at zero
  • Sword hands now have a slice trail


  • All lights and particles are now driven by the UserDefaultColor cloud variable
  • New (probably temporary) bootup sound, destroyblock on hands, arms, and Bitbot
  • Bitbot now fires a laser for gizmo/wire clear
  • Adjusted arm points in suit mode
  • Lower spread and rate of thrust visuals while ascending
  • Buster can now be used by the person holding it while detached
  • Suit mode gauntlets can now be controlled autonomously by the Pilot
  • Hands now use finger posing from whoever is holding them rather than only the Pilot
  • Added crane mode arm snapper
  • Set Drones in an area to be on by default
  • Full throttle on both thrusters now activates a boost
  • Suiting onto someone now changes lights to their colors
  • New HUD icons for global/local UI and Drone power
  • User leaving pop-up now shows who left


  • New boot up sound courtesy of Engi!
  • Shields now have proper colliders (raycasts and projectiles won’t detect a player on hit)
  • Fixed a bug where suit-up high fives wouldn’t delete themselves
  • New pixel art emote icons to replace the old screen pictures
  • Changed gauntlet mode selection to double radial
  • Moved grab sphere in multitool mode
  • Dequipping multitool through the radial menu now properly reverts the fingers
  • New thruster boost effect animation
  • Boosting in reverse now fully cancels out momentum
  • Major overhaul to leg logix and walking animation, feet now lift off the ground while stepping, make small sounds, and use coordinates rather than slots as targets
  • New gravity change ability by touching right ear button and clicking a surface with left hand
  • Suiting onto a user without a default color now defaults to PilotColor
  • UserDefaultColor is now used for PilotColor when no cloud variable is detected
  • Bitbot now stays upright relative to global gravity
  • Prime Unit now Localizes context menus on boot
  • Changed hardlight material from specular to intersect
  • Simplified logix and fixed multiple bugs by completely reworking how hand modes are detected
  • Thruster is now the default gauntlet mode
  • Bitbot can now be toggled through the menu and has a bootup/shutdown animation
  • Bitbot multitools are now stored in Dataspace so they can be turned off while suiting
  • Idling multiple Bitbots will cause them to float in an arc overhead


  • New chest compartment feature, contains a Rusty Cola, Shock Rock, Talking lights cube, and Rusty Power Core
  • Hand transformations are now cleared on shutdown
  • Reorganized gauntlet logix
  • Added blaster mode (old blaster is now named repulsor)
  • Centralized snappers on the head (goggles, crane mode, etc)
  • Added hat snapper and christmas hat


  • Buster now has Beam option, click trigger to overdrive
  • Rusty Cola now opens
  • Text scrolling finally added to boot sequence!
  • Fixed eyes sometimes overlapping with text on boot
  • Fixed eyes not smoothing between sizes when entering and exiting loading animation
  • Power core now modularly connects to any drone
  • Power core can be opened and closed while disconnected
  • Reorganized bitbot swarm
  • Bitbot swarm is now also hidden when retracting the alpha
  • Radial Localizers are now replaced when entering a new drone
  • Bitbot now focuses TargetedUser in camera mode
  • Added Bitbot Christmas hat
  • Added Deployable platforms as a secondary option of the gravity setter tip
  • Added pulsing hex particles to buster beam mode
  • Added boost effect on beam overdrive
  • Fixed one eye being resized incorrectly in the loading animation
  • Changed how Bitbot Multitools get stored so they don’t become nonpersistent
  • Vastly improved power core open/close animation
  • Power core can no longer be grabbed while open
  • Added new overlay for power level
  • Set up system for any item to provide a unique amount of power generation
  • Drone now shuts off completely if it reaches 0% power
  • Talking lights are now responsive to power level.
  • Bitbot can now retrieve the power core when it is removed
  • Shock Rock now provides 50% power when inserted
  • Added Doppler Perch
  • Fixed the Bitbot multitool receiver not deleting itself when emptied
  • Improvements to beam visuals


  • Power core now easily links to up to three connection points designated by dynamic slots
  • Power core is now open while in drone and retracts on grab
  • New hand transformation for Buster mode
  • Arms can now be retracted manually
  • Wren mask snapper
  • Legs now have a jump position
  • First implementation of Rocket Mode! Pitch and roll are controlled with head rotation, movement is sped up and slipperier
  • Hands become thrusters and lock to torso in rocket mode
  • Improved rocket mode thruster trails
  • Drone can now be ridden like a hoverboard while in rocket mode
  • Drone is no longer scalable
  • Legs icon no longer appears while in rocket mode
  • Added component clone and material tips to multitool, hold left grip while switching to access
  • Redid menu system and emote selection to use distance instead of raycasting, making them far more reliable
  • Menu buttons now visually signify hover and click
  • Bitbot now has screen tapping
  • Reconnecting sound no longer plays when toggling off modularity if arm/hand is already connected
  • Arms/hands aren’t grabbable while retracted
  • Added character colliders to shields
  • Added menu button for belly compartment
  • Restructured arm retraction to clear up chest compartment
  • Neck now retracts on shutdown
  • Belly compartment now has double doors
  • Added new quick menu category for transformations: Modes
  • Added Bike Mode!
  • Added Bike Mode locomotion sensor
  • Added Bike Mode tread
  • Fixed hitbox while in Rocket and Bike Modes
  • Increased size of anchor hitbox in Rocket and Bike Modes
  • Added user targeting reticles


  • Cleaned up user targeting reticles
  • Added ping counter
  • Added FPS counter
  • Moved thrust direction calculation to head direction while in rocket mode
  • Added preliminary support for Ultra Cannon mode
  • Changed chest compartment to flip down rather than swing out
  • Changed screen material to specular from unlit
  • Added speedometer to HUD, appears while in rocket mode or moving faster than 12 m/s
  • Doubled thruster power
  • Thruster power now scales with user size
  • Gauntlet User variable is now driven instead of written
  • Quick menu is now inaccessible to individuals of access level 3 and below
  • Ultra cannon mode uses power core as a focus for a beam (temporary)


  • New Minigun stored in the lower torso!
  • Disabled grip to revert to normal hands in rocket and turret mode
  • Left trigger now controls both thrusters in rocket mode
  • Right trigger deploys the minigun, hold to spin up and fire
  • Right grip retracts the gun
  • Turret mode now attaches the minigun to the front of the power core
  • User targeting reticles are set to visible while the minigun is deployed
  • Added sound driver to minigun spinning
  • Turret mode now has shields
  • Fixed a bug where arm meshes wouldn’t disable when retracting
  • Prevented minigun from being deployed in bike mode
  • Exosuit target visuals now only track users while the menu is open
  • Removed distance requirement for equipping exosuit
  • Improved leg logix to dynamically step based on furthest foot rather than all in order
  • Separated Bike Mode from Rocket Mode
  • Completely overhauled Bike Mode
  • Bike locomotion is a modified walk instead of fly
  • Fixed back tread disappearing too early
  • Added front tread
  • Treads now raycast to the ground and rotate with velocity
  • Thrusters are now controlled with the joystick in Bike and Rocket mode
  • Hold left grip and tap secondary while looking at a user to anchor them
  • Added vocal waveform to suit mode HUD
  • Enabled speedometer while in suit mode
  • Added a running gait to leg logix that activates when moving fast enough
  • Added rudimentary leg deploy/retract animation
  • Legs now auto deploy in turret mode
  • Activating Turret Mode now forces the drone into walk mode
  • Added flashlight mode to left hand
  • Unified materials used on legs and feet
  • Fixed bike mode treads not rotating correctly
  • Arms can now be deployed by pressing both grips
  • Fixed thruster particle speed at abnormal user scale
  • Fixed shields being inconsistent in turret mode
  • Drone’s head now stops tracking while neck is retracted


  • Added crude Compact Mode that folds the whole drone into its head
  • Front tread now extends in Compact Mode while grounded
  • Both grips now release arms from retraction
  • Treads now move in accordance to drone speed
  • Rusty context menu options are no longer available while holding a powered-down drone
  • Fixed forcing a user on/off vehicle anchor causing them to get stuck weirdly rotated
  • Added pen hand to multitool, touch left trackpad while switching tools
  • Improved Rusty Clearables deletion
  • Suit mode now uses the wearer’s finger pose
  • Changed forcing a user to ride vehicle mode to hold left grip and look at them within 1 meter
  • Optimised and centralized finger meshes
  • Added proper ObjectRoot and Default scale
  • Added side panels in the head to hold future weaponry (likely missile pods)
  • Converted platform collider to convex hull
  • Blaster shots now destroy on impact
  • Compact mode can now convert to Bitbot with left trigger
  • Added sound when converting to Bitbot Mode
  • Replaced blaster bullets with laser pulse
  • Added material pallet to left hand in multitool Pen Mode
  • Eyes now become headlights in Bike Mode


  • REPLACED CHEST, HAND, FOOT, AND ABDOMEN MESHES WITH CUSTOM BLENDER VERSIONS. This removes five slice materials from the avatar
  • Fixed/updated away materials
  • Added panel openings to shoulders for future missile pods
  • Added manual control of missile pod flaps
  • Bitbot now stays deployed when power core is removed, even on shutdown
  • Fixed desktop camera Bitbot’s nametag color
  • Removed outline and added talking glow to nametag
  • Fixed Rusty Cola using debug material instead of grey
  • Replaced minigun shell meshes with blender meshes
  • Fixed foot1 still using a slice material
  • Chest compartment is now uniformly scaled and has panels in the shoulder sockets
  • Replaced head with custom meshes
  • Replaced screen with custom meshes
  • Replaced head seams with custom meshes
  • Replaced mouth with custom meshes
  • Removed at least five more slice materials
  • Localized interior of face and screen
  • Added screen to modularity parts
  • Screen interior now disappears when held close to a user’s face
  • Screen now contains voice output
  • Separated panels from shoulder connectors for arm retraction
  • Grabbability of screen is now properly driven
  • Continued optimizing avatar (removing deactivated components, converging identical meshes)
  • Added head guns, aimed with left controller and fired with left trigger
  • Head guns now change sound and fire slower while in Bitbot Mode
  • Fixed right head gun being grabbable
  • Fixed head gun oneshotaudios not deleting themselves
  • Added laser visual to head guns
  • Added hit effect to head guns
  • Modified knockback of all blaster type weapons to jostle the target rather than send them flying on the first hit
  • Prototyped a new type of swarm missile using wobblers
  • Fixed away materials
  • Fixed desktop camera Bitbot’s antennas glowing
  • Fixed shoulder Bitbot’s eye laser protruding
  • Added knockback to swords
  • Added prototype left missile pod
  • Replaced missing meshes and materials on the pod’s arm’s elbow
  • Replaced duplicate meshes in the rest of the pod’s arm as well as the pod itself
  • Cleaned up the pod deploying animation
  • Added animation sounds
  • Made missile pods compatible with Rocket and Bike Mode
  • Added missile firing controls and sounds
  • Added missile targeting control and reticle
  • Attached missiles to barrel interior that shrink and grow when launched
  • Modified missile flight parameters
  • Added missile explosion
  • Added right missile pod
  • Hooked up right missile pod animations
  • Added right pod barrels to the list of missile firing slots
  • Fixed missiles exploding on launch when lagging


  • Converted eyes to UIX display
  • Screen is now scalable
  • Changed blush to slashes instead of hexes
  • Converted emote selection icons to UIX
  • Removed duplicate materials
  • Fixed head guns raydriver sometimes disabling itself
  • Replaced remaining hull seams with blender meshes
  • Added second set of emotes accessed by ending touch on left trigger while emote selection is open
  • Added dynamic variable for facecam feed
  • All particles now have alpha fade
  • Beam hit effect now fades to dark blue
  • Removed front face from screen mesh
  • Adjusted face UIX canvas to be flush with screen mesh
  • Added visual ping effect to screen tap
  • Added hidden screen menu toggle button
  • Set up screen menu keypad
  • Interior of screen now renders for pilot while removed
  • Fixed screen text being the wrong material
  • Updated boot up changelog
  • Added support for LocalGravity dynvar
  • Added keypad to screen menu
  • Added internal compartment to head mesh behind screen
  • Replaced screen menu button toggle with slidable antenna
  • Antenna now retracts when re equipping screen
  • Replaced screen remote keypad with d-pad
  • Added scrollable options to screen remote
  • Fixed socket internals de-rendering too early on screen callback
  • Rotated eye cameras 90 degrees
  • Added custom icons to screen menu keypad
  • Set up dynamic variables for screen menu modes
  • Added home menu to screen tablet
  • Added reparenting menu to tablet
  • Hooked up tablet buttons to selection dynvars
  • Prototyped dynamic cursor for reparenting menu
  • Tried to dynamically generate reparenting menu, needs work
  • Implemented first bit of functionality to tablet mode, drone settings menu. Currently allows he pilot to toggle LocalGravity adherence and Global UI
  • Added silent mode to setting menu, turns off join/leave notifier sound
  • Added HUD icon for head guns
  • Added HUD icon for missile pods
  • Added HUD icon for screen removal
  • Added HUD icon for minigun
  • Multitool fingers now shrink on arm retraction
  • Treads raycast distance now adjusts for scale
  • Added viseme drivers to antenna rotation
  • High five now applies knockback to users below .25 scale
  • Multitool now accepts grip strength in accordance to custom controller bindings
  • Join/Leave notifier is now centered on the user that triggers it
  • Added reticle to screen in turret mode that uses an eye manager
  • Modified turret reticle parameters
  • Added reticle and loading to emote wheel
  • Added small eyes icon to emote wheel
  • Face cam world variable is now internally driven to prevent dereferencing
  • Added prototype shield wall creation to left hand, hold trigger in shield mode to paint, release to bake the wall in place
  • Shield wall now paints from entire shield rather than only the center line
  • Shield walls can now be painted using either hand (but not both at once)
  • Shield walls can now block raycasts
  • Shield walls are now given character colliders on bake
  • Added joint visuals to finger segments
  • Modified all hand transformations to better accommodate the new joints
  • Removed away material from all parts
  • Drone now boots up as long as it is no more than 3 slots under the user root, rather than only while a direct child
  • Added emote icons for loading and reticle
  • Added distance display to user trackers
  • Added zoom vision activated by touching the left side of the screen
  • Eye cameras now telescope forward while zooming in
  • Moved zoom in viewport behind HUD
  • Fixed missiles sometimes coming from root
  • Most recently fired missile pod now reloads after a short time instead of waiting for the next one to fire
  • Added a hand root slot to prevent held items from shrinking wildly
  • Added Drone Power to tablet mode settings menu
  • Added ability to hotswap between rocket and bike mode (without kicking off any passenger)
  • Head guns can now be deployed in rocket mode by touching right secondary and pressing left trigger, and retracted with left grip
  • Modified sword knockback to ignore the hit user’s scale
  • Drastically decreased power of sword knockback
  • Head guns raycaster now turns on/off properly
  • Added mouth opening/closing to Compact Mode transformation
  • Arms now properly fold into chest for Compact mode
  • Fixed head rapidly exploding while not piloted
  • Added inventory thumbnail icon
  • Fixed Bike/Rocket hotswap not working correctly
  • Focusing a different world now properly shuts the drone down
  • Added a snap plane to the screen


  • Fixed screen going dark if active user doesn’t have a RustyTalkingLights dynvar
  • Fixed head guns firing a silent shot when deploying
  • Fixed all grabbable parts somehow becoming scalable
  • Fixed Bitbot somehow becoming scalable
  • Fixed entire drone somehow becoming scalable
  • Chest now rotates into compact mode properly
  • Head tread no longer vanishes when retracting
  • Converted screen cursor from mesh to UIX image
  • Changed paint mode material tip parts from default to wireframe
  • Rotated finger parts in devtip mode
  • Fixed anchor space clear leaving an item behind
  • Changed timing of tracking offset change in compact mode
  • Baked missile mesh
  • Shortened lifetime of laser blast effect
  • Added Turk face snapper
  • Head guns now hold their fire while left trackpad is touched, allowing for missile lock on while deployed
  • Bitbot antenna now wiggle while talking
  • Bitbot can now override hearing and speaking sources
  • Velocity cancel now keeps a tiny percentage of speed instead of fully zeroing out
  • Bitbot antenna now only wiggle while voice source is transferred
  • Beams are combinable into a single larger beam
  • Legs now extend while in an anchor that has valid foot positions
  • Added the ability to reparent to a users root slot by looking at them
  • Moved Attach option from Bitbot submenu to Misc.
  • Fixed self reparenting conflicting with suit mode
  • Added sloppy eye snappers
  • Improved combination beam visuals
  • Added head to modularity
  • Fixed torso staying behind when drone shuts down
  • Fixed torso staying behind when activating suit mode
  • Redid Bitbot enter/exit animation so they now enter/exit from a panel in the back of the drone’s head
  • Moved thruster anchor on head to bottom chassis plate so it no longer clips when mouth opens
  • Added plasma tether left hand option
  • Fixed plasma tether building downwards momentum in the held user
  • Fixed plasma tether visuals activating when they shouldn’t
  • Added plasma tether to the right hand
  • Releasing plasma tether now retains the targets velocity
  • Fixed the right plasma tether target selection raycast coming from the left hand
  • Fixed plasma tether lightning meshes using the incorrect transform spaces
  • Added electrical zapping sound to plasma tether
  • Added engine rumbling sound to bike mode
  • Fixed plasma tether sound continuing to play after releasing while targeting self
  • Modified pilot detection such that the avatar can be up to two slots below the user root on boot, fixing failed startups while in culling systems
  • Changed left hand menus to wireframes from outdated unlit holograms
  • Cleaned up logic for left hand back menu, removing fps and ping tracker and changing the trigger for setting TargetedUser
  • TrackingOffset is now calculated on feature activation rather than being a flat value
  • Replaced Bitbot seam with blender mesh
  • Added dynamic variables for railgun support: missile pod tween references, slot references, head gun slot references, and railgun anchor slot
  • Altered lightning mesh generation of tractor beam hands
  • Touchtips are now usable in compact mode
  • Face cameras now extend with left b button capacitive touch
  • Bitbot Multitool swarm organization is now more optimal
  • Fixed right shoulder Bitbot not becoming non-persistent in idle mode
  • Updated power core meshes, the sides are now inset so they can plug in to the chest cavity properly
  • Bitbot now retrieves power core in a reasonable amount of time if it is far away
  • Bitbot now returns in a reasonable amount of time when exiting dronecam mode
  • Removed the empty hand requirement for opening quick menu
  • Added more variables and new logix for railgun attachment
  • Improved minigun deploying animation
  • Added cover panels to inside of head gun openings
  • Modified thruster particle meshes to be a reasonable size


  • Replaced Chest section of quick menu with Cloud
  • Removed chest storage slots
  • Added cloudspawning capability
  • Drone can now cloudspawn a Bitbot multitool
  • Drone can now cloudspawn a Bitbot blueprinter
  • Drone can now cloudspawn the Rusty Railgun
  • Modified railgun deploying and positioning animation
  • Fixed power core being permanently inactive after chest storage removal
  • Fixed power core struts being permanently inactive due to a misnamed variable driver
  • Updated the power core case mesh
  • Updated the power core screen mesh
  • Added top and bottom back panels to chest hull
  • Improved camera meshes
  • Added AWOOGA emote where cameras burst through and shatter face screen
  • Moved Sloppy eye snappers to camera lenses so they move with the camera’s telescoping
  • Added variable control to Bibot’s facing target and plasma tethers
  • Bitbot now grabs and moves railgun while deploying
  • Added a target slot DynVar for use in docking ports
  • Re-re-redid suit sizing variable and IT NOW WORKS PROPERLY
  • Fixed each button on left hand menu having its own font stored on it
  • Fixed user colors not reading properly due to leftover write node
  • Modified hand user variable to be more consistent
  • Added a “Match Scale” button to left hand menu
  • Added a monowire snapper to left hand.
  • Added a RustyZapPoint user variable to screen
  • Moved gizmo clear laser to face screen in Bitbot mode
  • Drone now prints images like a polaroid when taking finger photos
  • Committed blasphemy and converted eyes to skinned meshes
  • Redid emote system for blendshape control rather than shutters
  • Added heart eyes emote
  • Some emotes now have separate versions for Bitbot mode
  • Shoulder joint facing targets are now modular
  • Added a manual kill switch to reticles via the drone killing dynamic impulse
  • Added Rusty head snapper to bitbot
  • Added sound to leg deploying
  • Added panels on the bottom of the belly compartment for leg deploying
  • Added sound to rocket/bike mode transformation
  • Removed UIX button from face screen
  • Added physical touchbutton to face screen
  • Slowed down and impulse timeout’d the tap ping on face screen
  • Added sounds and adjusted timing of photo printing
  • Fixed missile pod arms spinning wildly
  • Added light cone to hand flashlight
  • Added a flashlight to Bitbot and gave that a light cone too
  • Lowered the brightness of Bitbot’s flashlight
  • Fixed screen sending signals to drone root instead of user root in tablet mode settings menu
  • Adjusted the MonoBrow emote
  • Added Grappling Hook hand transformations
  • Accidentally saved Sloppy’s eyes in camera snappers
  • Suit mode now checks for talking lights before default color
  • Removed Sloppy’s eyes from snappers
  • Added Grapple finger animations for both hands
  • Added Cannon animation to left hand


  • Updated Changelog
  • Modified scale on hexagons on back of both hands to match literally every other hexagon produced by Rusty Manufacturing
  • Added Teleport button to targeting menu
  • Added right and left tether selection buttons to targeting menu
  • Removed teleport button from targeting menu
  • Added Match Scale button to targeting menu
  • Added Holohands (stretchy arms)
  • Holohands now only activate when both hand modes are 0
  • Holohands have grab spheres and touchtips
  • Optimized Holohand meshes and materials
  • Fingers now scale to 0.01 instead of 0 when arms retract so Holohand fingers can move
  • Holohands now project from screen in Bitbot mode
  • Finally finished railgun retraction animation
  • Changed Bitbot eye mesh to match main screen
  • Added ActiveEmote dynamic variable to avatar space
  • Fixed Bitbot’s eye being de-referenced from materialset component for flashlight mode
  • Fixed Bitbot’s eye being de-referenced from playoneshot while retrieving power core
  • Fixed Bitbot gizmo laser radius being zero while retrieving power core
  • Mirrored MonoBrow emote to match with the two eyed version
  • Removed Weiner
  • Added Dink
  • Added Torso Lookat to settings menu to toggle whether or not torso faces head forward or hand average point
  • Added HUD icon for Torso Lookat
  • Shrunk materialtip orbslots during animation to fit in new hex on back of hand
  • Added Heart Emote Icon
  • Fixed Positioning of grab sphere on right Holohand
  • Attaching to a user now copies their talking lights if available
  • Thruster is no longer active in helmet mode
  • Touchtips now move with Holohands in Bitbot Mode
  • Added broken screen mesh for awooga emote
  • Some logix now disables when not needed: headguns aiming and firing, minimum aiming and firing, missile pod aiming and firing, all legs logix, beam combining, railgun
  • More logix disables when not in use: swords, shields, tethers
  • Plasma tether lightning meshes no longer smooth to size
  • Added eye snappers with new standardized tag “RingThing”
  • Added chest tracker
  • Added exosuit harness positioners
  • Separated exosuit target tracking logix from equipping signal receiver logix
  • More logix disables when not in use
  • Virtual parent now completely de-refs, saving a whopping ten frames while not in use
  • Fixed railgun button spawning a Bitbot instead of the railgun


  • Added functionality to grapple hands, now they shoot out with trigger and have very elastic swinging
  • Changed grapple reeling from touchpad capacitive to trigger sensitivity
  • Changed grapple reeling from trigger sensitivity to joystick forward/backward
  • Spent a good 4-5 hours going over the math for force while swinging, grapples now behave in a roughly ideal manner using both velocity canceling and gravity force canceling
  • Added Hooke’s law to grapple cables, they can now be reeled in again.
  • Clamped grapple direction dot product output to prevent the cable from pushing
  • Made grapple hands compatible with user scaling
  • Reduced grapple cable spring constant
  • Made grapple hands compatible with standard controller
  • Cleaned up hand variables for active user and chirality
  • Integrated power state logix into Boot Sequence
  • HUD now toggles with IsBooted rather than IsOn
  • Bitbot thruster and main thruster now toggles with IsBooted instead of IsOn
  • Removed the IsOn variable
  • Adjusted arm roots and snapper position to be at the shoulders instead of partway down
  • Adjusted crane snapper on head to match new positioning
  • Disabled a bunch of buster logix when not in use
  • Saving a user’s suit size successfully now has an associated sound
  • Grapple hands no longer use virtual parents, instead the local transforms are calculated with logix, solving issues with hitting oddly scaled objects
  • Screen has been changed from UIX to a stencil material, leading to accurate talking lights bloom and more possibilities for animation
  • Modified screen meshes to have an internal volume inside the front bevel where things can be displayed
  • Shattered screen is now the same stencil material, allowing the eyes to be seen through the remaining shards from the right angle
  • Added a mesh to act as the beveled edges of the shattered screen
  • Added a flat mesh to act as a backdrop for the stenciled objects, preventing some rendering issues
  • Eyes are now physical objects in the screen’s volume
  • Blinker cursor is now a box mesh
  • Blush now correctly copies Pilot Color variable and is set slightly in front of the eyes, giving a neat 3d effect
  • The changelog that scrolls on boot is now a text renderer, leading to a simpler animation at the cost of 40k tris because text renders apparently have to use a separate quad for each character
  • Replaced eye meshes with 3d variants
  • Replaced screen backside mesh
  • Further inset screen stencil backplate mesh to allow for a larger stencil volume
  • Re-implemented screen tap visual with a 3d mesh that expands
  • Tap ping visual now instances itself, allowing multiple to occur at once
  • Removed the screen antenna slider
  • Removed the last of the tablet mode menu logix
  • Fixed the screen socket not rendering at the correct times
  • Fixed the drone being able to tap its own screen
  • Loading animation is now recessed into the head if the screen is attached
  • Reticle meshes are now 3d and at different depths
  • Added a cover mesh for the inner part of the reticle so it can have additional depth
  • Added an edge backplate mesh to screen to prevent some odd render queue issues
  • Sword blade particles are now hexagonal
  • Sword slash particles now fade out properly
  • Added mode switching for left cannon hand
  • Added visual to cannon charge shot
  • Improved charge shot visual
  • Added projectile to charge shot
  • Charge shot now pulses a boost hex when firing
  • Improved projectile visuals for left charge shot
  • Added sounds to left charge shot
  • Added knockback to left charge shot
  • Removed left energy sword
  • Added telescoping blade to left hand sword
  • Changed left hand sword sound effects to reflect new more mechanical visuals
  • Upgraded sword deploying sound
  • Fixed sword applying knockback on deploying
  • Modified sword knockback strength
  • Added hitting sounds to sword knockback
  • Upgraded right hand sword to match left
  • Modified sword finger positions to make a more convincing hilt (bye bye classic Rusty sword silhouette)
  • Flashlight cone now properly disables on both left and and Bitbot
  • Sword now has lit-up edges
  • Removed decoy bodynodes
  • Fixed rocket/bike mode being disengaged by only the right grip instead of both
  • Fixed bike mode not being hooked up to thrusterlogix correctly, causing it to only boost when the left hand is closer to the thrusters than the right
  • Changed internal Quick Menu functionality so it now sends dynamic impulses rather than setting a variable for a split second. This allows for more optimized feature activation logix as well as the disabling of receivers when not in use.
  • Added X-Eyes emote (finally hooked up that blendshape)


  • Changed font from Orbitron to Tomorrow across all Rusty Manufacturing products
  • Upgraded shield from arbitrary floating hexagons to a proper mechanical projector
  • Buster and Cannon internals are now toggled in the animation rather than driven based on casing rotation
  • Rotated hand shield and shield collider
  • Adjusted shield fingers
  • Added sounds to mechanical shield
  • Moved force hex to Dataspace
  • Rotated shield drawing to match new hand shield rotation
  • Fixed shield failing to close when the collider has been deleted
  • Adjusted position of shields in turret mode
  • Adjusted position of shields in railgun mode
  • Increased shield collider radius
  • Cannon hand now resets selected mode when closing
  • Added Part Recall button to Misc submenu
  • Toggling off modularity no longer recalls loose parts
  • Added child save blockers to some snappers: both antenna, both eyes, goggles
  • Added clearing functionality to remove strokes from the screen’s snap plane

2.0 (Neos to Resonite Migration)

  • Fixed boot sequence not working because the color cloud variable was looking for G-Neos instead of G-Resonite
  • Fixed rocket/bike mode transformation not working because locomotion switching needed to be an Async task
  • Fixed force hexes appearing at y=0 on root while shield painting
  • Changed eye/screen stencil ID so it won’t interfere with the islands in the default cloud home
  • Fixed materials being the wrong color due to migration: Orange, Grey, Lasers, Shields
  • Laser color is now driven by the Pilot Color variable
  • Fixed Minigun disappearing too quickly during closing animation
  • Fixed parenting bullets not deleting correctly if the thing they hit disables itself
  • Reworked headguns to be hopefully more consistent and definitely more optimized
  • Removed many unneeded Start Async Task nodes
  • Added DroneVersion dynamic variable
  • Drone name is now driven by the version variable
  • Fixed hand thruster audio continuing to loop when retracting while active
  • Fixed Missiles not moving towards target
  • Added knockback to missiles
  • Cleaned up ALL migrated logix: 
  • Removed redundant Start Async Task nodes
  • Replaced auto generated Indirect Write nodes with Write nodes where applicable
  • Converted slot drives from refID to direct
  • Cleaned up layout of all circuits
  • Tweaked some animations to work better with the new flow style
  • Optimized some math
  • Fixed changelog sticking on boot
  • Added joint lights to knuckles
  • Modified finger positions for all hand transformations to incorporate new joint lights
  • Re-added active user port to left palm
  • Active user port can now be node-copied from for the GetActiveUserSelf node
  • Modified energy barrier material
  • Added a second layer to the force hexes used in shield painting so they can have both channel matrix and intersect materials
  • Recalling Bitbot from camera drone mode now returns him to his shoulder slot rather than leaving him floating in front of the user
  • Modified meshes: All screen and screen socket parts are taller as part of a minor redesign, all chassis seams are merged with the panel they are on for reduced slot count and draw calls (forgot hands)
  • Photo printing animation is now slightly lower so it doesn’t clip through the now-taller screen
  • Fixed a bug where parts being recalled would snap to the correct rotation instead of animating smoothly
  • Fixed the cursor blinker not appearing because it had the wrong stencil ID
  • Scaled up loading animation for new screen size
  • Scaled up reticle for new screen size
  • Adjusted blush for new screen size
  • Updated inventory thumbnail icon
  • Replaced hand hull meshes
  • Added button to devtip to activate all gizmo options at once
  • Fixed dead references caused by the removal of the Variable Reader Refs slot
  • Fixed fingerpose setting using the wrong handposer for the left hand
  • Fixed user trackers searching for G-Neos color variable instead of G-Resonite
  • Replaced Drone antenna meshes with a mechanical assembly
  • Replaced Bitbot antenna meshes with a mechanical assembly
  • Revamped antenna circuit for the new assembly and made them more expressive by modifying the angles for each viseme
  • Replaced chest and hand hex lights with beveled versions
  • Updated all emote icons to match new screen size and blendshapes and to fix asymmetry
  • Moved reticle emote to lower left
  • Added ClosedHappy emote
  • Added Closed emote
  • Fixed gauntlet finger positions
  • Fixed gauntlets resizing hand hexes incorrectly
  • Replaced new antennae with properly scaled versions
  • Updated all emote icons with new antennae
  • Re-added RingThing snappers to antennae
  • Added childsaveblocker to new RingThing snappers
  • Updated Bitbot Multitool
  • Fixed parts animating to root if dropped mid-recall
  • Removed outdated camera zoom circuit
  • Re-added camera zoom circuit because it was actually for the telescoping of the physical lenses and not the HUD display thing lol oops
  • Left hand touchtip can no longer activate the targeting menu
  • Lowered brightness of hand flashlight to compensate for proper scaling on the palm hex
  • Updated tread meshes
  • Changed ActiveEmote variable to User/ActiveEmotes
  • Changed texture on light cones
  • Removed the continuous relay from the target tracking circuit

3.0 (Major Modularity Overhaul)

  • Added dynamic variables and parent values to support fully modular hands and arms
  • Changed how the quick menu sends signals, each circuit now only needs an impulse receiver to be toggled
  • Hand now has on-board multitool
  • Compact mode is now compatible with modular tween target references
  • Rocket mode is now compatible with modular tween target references
  • Added external slot savers to some parts of the hand’s multitool
  • Reactivated swords, shields, and left grapple in old hands
  • Added a fist override variable to modular hands for forcing the fingers closed during some transformations
  • Hand now has on-board flashlight that reacts to talking lights
  • Gripping now sends reset signals (Left, Right, and both) to remove the need for per-circuit grip detection
  • Made all hand modules compatible with new reset signals
  • Turret mode now reparents modular hands
  • Moved all Tractor Tether functionality to drone hands
  • Moved shield functionality to hands (lacking hexpainting) and cleaned up the animation and collider circuits
  • Moved sword functionality to hands
  • Fixed right shield being positioned wrong when in turret mode
  • Fixed some hand circuits trying to turn off while already off
  • Added extendo grip to replace holohands
  • Made high five compatible with modularity
  • Moved grapple to modular hand
  • Replaced grab lasers with custom Bitbot beams
  • Bitbot grab lasers now replace holohands in compact mode (without the stretching for now)
  • Extendo grip now properly parents grab spheres
  • Moved all buster flux to modular hand
  • Restructured hand modules to hopefully be more self-contained
  • Overhauled how buster mode is handled (haha get it?)
  • Regained thruster functionality
  • Regained Repulsor functionality
  • Regained blaster functionality
  • Updated thumb meshes to remove the need for extra pivot slots
  • Updated hand panels to make future opening animations nicer
  • Fixed turret mode trying to set GauntletState variables that no longer exist
  • Rocket/bike mode now accurately engages modular thrusters
  • Removed all arm LookAt components and replaced them with a proper IK Flux circuit (wrists no longer disconnect at all while moving!
  • Replaced segment meshes and AxisAligner component with telescoping forearm blendshape mesh
  • Hands are now snapped to the ends of the arms rather than directly on the drone
  • Grab lasers now activate for physical grab if no hand is attached
  • ADDED NEW MULTITOOL GRIPPER that folds out of the hand panels quite pleasingly
  • Added tool arm to new multitool
  • Drone arms now straighten when not attached, and smoothly swap to IK transforms while changing state
  • Animated new multitool tool head swapping


  • New multitool now has sounds
  • Made material orb storage prettier
  • Made the arms transition to being deployed look cooler
  • Arms now read a parent value to determine if they should be deployed
  • Removed old arm retraction animation
  • Retracting an arm now also activates that side’s fist override
  • Grab Spheres and Finger Dots are now more consistently in the right place
  • Added fluxtip tool head
  • All tool heads now react to trigger strength
  • Improved arm retraction animation
  • Arms now disable while both are fully retracted
  • Added sounds to multitool head switching animation
  • Turret mode now reparents and tweens the drone’s hand targets instead of the dynamic hand values
  • Rocket mode and bike mode now reparent and tween the drone’s hand targets instead of the dynamic hand values
  • Buster mode is no longer toggleable through the menu to prevent disabling when hotswapping rocket/bike mode
  • Sword mode now opens the hand’s front panels
  • Optimized rocket mode locomotion flux a bit
  • Added tractor tether mechanism animation to new hand
  • Changed how multitool visuals enable/disable
  • Updated chest hull, chest front panel, shoulder plate, shoulder panel, shoulder swivel, and wrist swivel meshes
  • Elbow tracking is now slightly smoothed courtesy of ShadowX
  • Added new rudimentary buster animation!
  • Added telescoping segments to fingers
  • Fist override now retracts the fingers slightly and folds the thumb up completely
  • Replaced middle hand panel mesh with properly offset hex
  • Improved buster animation
  • Multitool and buster circuits now disable when not in use
  • Regained (some) beam functionality
  • Rocket and turret mode now properly activate hand busters
  • Adjusted turret mode buster positions
  • Removed old left hand parts because apparently they were still there
  • Fixed multitool color pallet not deploying due to being turned off
  • Adjusted pen tip activation threshold and pressure smoothing for cleaner lines
  • Added grabbale joints to antennae
  • Yanking either antenna like a lever now causes the Drone’s eyes to roll like a slot machine
  • Fixed power core energy connections
  • Changed power core energy connections from weird garbage circuit to ParentValueLink slots
  • Modularized power core
  • Made power core retrieval animation compatible with modular version
  • Turret mode now reparents the power core socket instead of the core itself
  • Hands and arms now respond to the Chirality ParentValue bool instead of being written to by nearest user hand
  • Updated part recall circuit to disable grabbable on a part while animating to prevent it from flying to origin
  • Re-added dynamic tween references to hands
  • Fixed antenna lever crank sound only coming from the right ear
  • Adjusted how the material orb storage slots retract
  • Dynamic hand reference is now cleared if that hand is attached to the opposite side, which fixes grab spheres and finger dots being stuck to the wrong hand (and maybe some world crashing behavior? We’ll see)
  • Shield animation circuit now uses async sequences instead of if node mazes
  • Adjusted shield animation to better fit new hand panels
  • Adjusted shield positions in turret mode
  • Minigun spinning no longer stops driving its audio, hopefully preventing it from being silent on the first deployment in a session (didn’t)
  • Added new head panels to make compact mode animating smoother
  • Made compact mode animating smoother
  • Changed multitool tool head swapping sound
  • Reimplemented cloudspawning button with more consistent functionality
  • Cloudspawning now uses resrec URLs instead of resdb
  • Cloudspawning button now stores itself in Dataspace while not in use
  • Added new tether hook variables to Railgun
  • Updated Railgun materials
  • Reimplemented Railgun
  • Cloudspawning is now done via string cloud variables instead of direct URLs
  • Bitbot now holds himself upright relative to the drone
  • Cleaned up Railgun animation circuit a bit
  • Buster beam now emits a hex loop on overdrive again
  • Added sky twinkle effect to rocket mode
  • Fixed materials on new head panels
  • Fixed incorrect neck reparenting when disengaging suit mode
  • Turned an unnecessary division node into a multiplication because I’m an optimization nut
  • Hand modules now have their own plasma materials
  • Grapple is now underhanded and has a basic hook mesh
  • Hand snappers no longer tilt awkwardly when retracting


  • Reworked arms retracting animation so shoulder panels fold instead of slide and the FistOverride and IsDeployed variables get set with proper timing
  • Added cloudspawning receiver circuit that teleports spawned items infront of the drone
  • Added cloudspawning signal senders to hand, arm, power core, Bitbot tool
  • Arm extending/retracting now has sound
  • Fixed cloudspawned items being teleported with the wrong coordinate space conversion
  • IsWaitingForObject variable is now reset after receiving an object
  • Foot claws are now a modular part that can attach to hand snappers
  • Replaced legs with arm snappers
  • Reworked leg deploying/retracting animation to work with new modular parts
  • Legs and feet are now modular
  • Legs and feet save with avatar for now (auto-populating cloudspawning on boot to come later)
  • Updated leg deploying/retracting animation to better accommodate new modular versions
  • Finally fixed buster beam sounds, visuals, and knockback effects
  • Finally added a tool head to the multitool’s pen mode
  • Adjusted thruster sounds so they can be heard from farther away for greater cinematic effect
  • Bitbot grab lasers are now lightning meshes
  • Modified cloudspawning system so a set of dynamic variables now populate with the most recent item URLs on boot rather than requesting the URL every time an item is spawned, saving significant time
  • Requesting item URL status is now shown on the HUD immediately following booting
  • Added variables for where or not individual arms are attached and a RustyOutfit snapper to the chest for Rusty Suit Jacked compatibility (thank you Amplified!)
  • Added RingThing snapper to Bitbot for his little bowtie
  • Added childsaveblocker to the new snappers and also the main hat snapper
  • Added the ability to spin hands about the wrist by touching the lower thumb button and not the upper thumb button. Trigger strength on the opposite hand then controls speed
  • Hand spinning sound changes to an alarm if flashlight mode is on
  • Added the User/LightsColor variable for colored lights that don’t change while talking
  • Hand plasma color is now driven by User/LightsColor with User/RustyTalkingLights as a fallback


  • Tether raycast point reference no longer breaks when decoupled from the hand
  • Updated hand mesh with 1mm chamfered edges on the palm
  • Updated pen tool head mesh to have like 8 fewer polygons lol
  • Pilot color is now determined by primary cloud color with default user color as a backup
  • Decoupled anchor space initializer from the main boot sequence circuit
  • Decoupled head animation from the main boot sequence circuit
  • Decoupled radial localizer from the main boot sequence circuit
  • Decoupled pilot color setter from the main boot sequence circuit
  • Decoupled locomotion initializer from the main boot sequence circuit
  • Decoupled drone power establisher from the main boot sequence circuit
  • Chirality of detached hands now swap to the most recent grabber
  • Pilot color is now tweened on boot instead of instantly swapped
  • Fixed the range of boosting sound not actually being extended
  • Added support for cloudspawning Bitbot Blueprinters (after finally fixing those too, yay!)
  • Fixed some boot sequence flux
  • Chirality of detached arms now swap to the most recent grabber
  • Fixed the multitool being equipable via laser reeling-in the hand
  • The drone’s torso now rotates to face the average of the hand positions again, but in a way that makes sense this time
  • Torso rotation circuit now handles the spinning of the torso for rocket/bike mode
  • Torso rotation circuit now respects the IsBooted variable
  • Busters now change modes with a “Gunshift” system that works like a gear shift rather than spamming context menu
  • Updated some quick menu buttons: Modularity is now its own submenu with Toggle as the first option, Recall Parts is now in the Modularity submenu, Arms is now Retract Arms, removed both hands’ Cannon buttons in preparation for charge shot functionality in the main busters
  • Part Recall now sends a signal to each part so they can reparent and tween themselves
  • Only parts with the appropriate tag will sync to the modularity system when attached
  • Added tags to parts: RustyHand, RustyArm, RustyPowerCore
  • Hands now respect the TargetedUser variable when in suit mode
  • Rebuilt missile functionality from scratch to use a master async circuit rather than instancing a driving circuit per projectile
  • Missiles now visibly emit from within the barrel rather than a meter or two in front
  • Missiles now fly straight for 10 meters before curving towards their target
  • Missile pods are no longer on smooth transforms
  • Adjusted some of the new missile parameters
  • Removed the childrensaveblocker on the legs as a bandaid fix until they auto-populate
  • Added a tie snapper
  • Moved more quick menu buttons around: swapped positions of the Modularity and Bitbot submenus
  • Modularity mode can now be toggled even while arms are retracted
  • Fixed the talking lights material on the power core connectors being wrong
  • Fixed power core tether point variables being wrong
  • Renamed an old “Logix” slot to “Circuitry” under the user tracker template. That should be the last one!
  • Organized Bitbot’s power state detection so he now properly shuts down when tabbed out of a world
  • Bitbot’s smooth transform value is now written to, preventing him from slipping out at high speeds
  • Organized the entire Rocket/Bike mode transformation circuit
  • The Rusty Hover locomotion module now controls the specifics of changing between rocket/bike and fly/walk, leading to faster and more consistent transforming
  • The Rusty Hover locomotion module now handles hot swapping between Rocket and Bike mode
  • Reworked how the torso facing direction is controlled to make animating it spinning and setting it to always forward easier
  • Torso spinning on boot up is now an intended feature
  • Torso no longer spins on shutdown
  • Fixed torso not spinning when hot swapping between Rocket and Bike modes
  • Added the RustyDrone/RustyUIVisibility variable
  • Gunshifts are now labeled
  • Gunshifts provide haptics when toggling between options
  • Re-selecting the current mode with the Gunshift no longer causes a redundant transformation
  • Gunshift now starts at the current mode
  • Fixed minigun sound not playing during first deployment
  • Holding jump while flying now causes vertical ascension
  • Fixed minigun not being aimable in rocket mode due to a broken reference
  • Turret mode now forces the torso to face forward for easier aiming
  • Minigun now flips out in a more interesting way during turret mode transformation (no clue what made that the case but I’ll keep it lol)
  • Left hand button now refreshes user trackers again
  • Fixed locomotion speed not being reset when hotswapping out of bike mode


  • Fixed force application mode in the locomotion not being set properly when hot swapping from bike to rocket
  • Modified user join/leave indicator to be a generic notification system
  • A notification now pops up when the pilot is reparented that displays the new parent space
  • Left hand multitool HUD elements now display below the right hand’s
  • Buster HUD elements now display below battery indicators
  • Fixed buster progress bar UI appearing outside of thruster mode
  • Moved hand back button from back hex to its own slot so only the hex is the button rather than the whole chassis
  • Legs no longer retract on shutdown if a pilot is still present
  • Moved some screen circuits from the main processor to the screen itself
  • Vertical force in flight mode is now applied based on head direction rather than up relative to the local space
  • Bitbot smooth transform is now relative to the local space while docked
  • Eye cameras now have a render transform override
  • Moved reticle control components from screen circuitry slot on the main processor to screen dataspace
  • Removed vestigial cursor slot from the emotes menu
  • Gunshift no longer appears in rocket/bike mode
  • Upgraded finger meshes (including thumb) to now have pads on the tips, better joints, and more obvious telescoping segments
  • Modified fist override to accommodate new finger meshes
  • Modified finger paint job
  • Hands now retract further into the arm to accommodate new fistoverride
  • Wrist rotation now behaves correctly when retracting arms
  • Reticles now show correct global distance regardless of the drone’s scale
  • Fixed thruster sound priority
  • Shortened new metacarpal struts


  • Cloudspawning button now instances itself so spawning multiple items can be done in parallel
  • Arms, hands, legs, and feet can now auto-populate
  • Added a Populate Parts button to the modularity submenu
  • Added childrensaveblockers to leg snappers
  • Cloudspawn button now queues entries and processes them every two calculation cycles, allowing mass part requesting
  • Fixed head gun laser material being incorrect
  • Adjusted resolution of facecam
  • Prepared drone for automatically attaching hand modules
  • Prepared hand functions for conversion to spawnable modules with debug functions
  • Converted Tractor Tether to a cloud spawnable module
  • Converted Sword to a cloud spawnable module
  • Converted Multitool to a cloud spawnable module
  • Converted Shield to a cloud spawnable module
  • Converted Grapple to a cloud spawnable module
  • Converted Flashlight to a cloud spawnable module
  • Converted Buster to a cloud spawnable module
  • All modules delete themselves when retracted
  • Modules can be stacked on the left hand
  • Fixed multitool animating incorrectly
  • Turret mode now requests busters and shields from the cloud
  • Rocket mode now requests busters from the cloud
  • Busters now react to the drone being in rocket/bike mode and turret mode
  • Extendo grip is no longer enabled during rocket/bike mode or turret mode
  • Wrist spinning is no longer enabled during rocket/bike mode or turret mode
  • Modified how the hand modules detect being attached
  • G.R.A.P.P.L.E. module now has unique visuals
  • G.R.A.P.P.L.E. module now has unique sounds
  • Added DRM (Duplicate Rusty Mitigation) to spawnable parts
  • Repopulating arms and hands no longer retracts an arm if it’s fully operational
  • Added new sound to beams
  • Shields now animate properly in railgun mode
  • M.I.S.S.I.L.E. System is now a spawnable module
  • Locking on to a user with the hologram menu while missile pods are deployed will redirect the missiles to that user’s hips
  • Added RustyDrone/PlasmaColor variable
  • Added RustyDrone/LaserColor variable
  • URL setting clipboard is now cloud spawnable (recursion)


  • Fixed tooltip unhider stealing tooltip holders (hopefully this prevents structural support Bitbots)
  • Boost visual is now twice as big in rocket mode
  • Adjusted boost sound to be heard slightly further away and added a new variant for extra long distances
  • Shoulder panels no longer animate if no arm is connected
  • Speedometer is now more accurate
  • Left visor button now displays additional information on the HUD
  • Added Local Space to HUD
  • Added Local Axis to HUD
  • Added distance and direction to local origin to HUD
  • Added Home Slot display to HUD
  • Adjusted positioning of notification display on HUD
  • Adjusted positioning of loading messages on HUD
  • Reorganized M.I.S.S.I.L.E.S. animation circuit
  • Upgraded targeting laser on M.I.S.S.I.L.E.S.
  • Upgraded targeting laser on G.R.A.P.P.L.E.
  • Upgraded targeting laser on Minigun
  • Reorganized dynamic variables
  • Adjusted G.R.A.P.P.L.E. beam sounds
  • Adjusted tread smoothing
  • Reworked tread rotation behavior
  • Upper arm now extends/retracts based on distance to arm point
  • Added a screen retraction/deploying animation
  • Added new text to boot sequence
  • Replaced changelog scrolling with proper boot sequence flavor text
  • Eyes now animate when booting
  • Reworked screen to be a modular part
  • Grab lasers, gizmo beam, and screen flashlight are now under a Utility Visuals slot in Dataspace
  • Reworked screen socket visibility
  • Reworked camera zooming
  • Reworked emote controller
  • Reworked variable handling for facecam render texture
  • Added LITE screen that only exists when the drone is spawned
  • LITE screen now gets seamlessly replaced when a proper screen is cloudspawned
  • Separated all 16 emotes into separate receiver circuits on board the screen
  • Moved modular screen to the second section of the part recall circuit
  • Screen is now included in the modular repopulation feature
  • Fixed whisper bubble being disconnected from voice mode
  • Fixed voice modes not working (broadcast, shout, etc)
  • Disabled grab laser lightning meshes when not in use
  • Fixed left brow raising slower than right due to automatic order offsets in the emote controller flux
  • Fixed screen reappearing too soon after shatter emote causing clipping with the cameras
  • Replaced user tracker system with new world data feed components for optimization and to allow the creation of trackers while culled
  • User trackers now use the cloud color of the targeted individual if possible
  • Added hinge and backplate model to screen socket


  • Fixed whisper bubble being 500 times too big
  • Fixed voice modes not updating properly while the controlling component was disabled
  • Eyes now switch to a random emote each type they cycle by during the slot machine bit
  • Adjusted positioning of local axis indicator on HUD
  • Bitbot now copies torso rotation as well as position
  • Bitbot antenna movement is now controlled by dynamic variables
  • Began preliminary preparations for a Bitbot modularity pass
  • Thumb rotation now acts as the size adjustment knob for the multitool pen
  • Reworked Bitbot power state animation to be more reliable
  • Adjusted thruster particle circuit to lower random direction when ascending quickly
  • Main thruster particles now have ribbon trails when moving faster than 20m/s
  • Grab spheres no longer reparent to hand, instead hand interaction points can extend and spin silently to match the visuals
  • Interaction lasers and equipped tools can now spin and extend
  • Adjusted positioning of grab lasers and utility flashlight
  • Grab lasers and utility flashlight now emit from the chest if Bitbots are not visible
  • Removed user tracker cleanup circuit since the bug that caused it to be required was fixed
  • Added point light to G.R.A.P.P.L.E. hook
  • Modular parts can now be ejected
  • Recall now notifies all synced arms (including legs) which then recall their respective hands (including feet)
  • Fixed loading screen not being properly inset after screen modularity pass
  • Added point light to tractor tether
  • Fixed recall not affecting hands if its arm is attached
  • Recall eligibility checking is now handled entirely on the part


  • Reticles now show days since registration
  • Replaced B.U.S.T.E.R. model with v3.0
  • Adjusted thumb plate position when fist override is engaged
  • Animated new B.U.S.T.E.R. and replaced sound effect
  • Modified rocket mode thruster positioning to account for new B.U.S.T.E.R. shape
  • Repositioned VFX to account for new B.U.S.T.E.R. shape
  • Modified beam mode (which is in bad need of a rework)
  • Added segment mesh struts to new B.U.S.T.E.R.
  • Animated new B.U.S.T.E.R. Struts
  • Localized face HUD display camera (remember later to delocalize it when in broadcast mode)
  • Anchor Release is now an integrated control activated by pressing both grips while jumping
  • Delocalized face HUD display while in broadcast mode
  • Hex loop in B.U.S.T.E.R. can now be emitted dynamically
  • Gunshifts behave a little worse now (oops)
  • Beam is now mode five
  • B.U.S.T.E.R. now has charge shot capability as mode four
  • Charge shot can be fired as pellets or held for up to five seconds to accumulate a large blast
  • G.R.A.P.P.L.E. now respects talking lights
  • Charge shot now respects talking lights
  • Hand flashlights now have sound and the palm hex extrudes out while active
  • Shoulder panels no longer have seams on the inside
  • Chest hull now has a separate lower panel
  • Adjusted hand positions in turret mode
  • Added spotlight to thruster mode
  • Added point light to beam hit effect
  • Fixed main thruster particle trail creating large flashes when climbing due to user root position mismatch
  • Added scale, queued packets, and ping to HUD extras
  • Overhauled G.R.A.P.P.L.E. functionality
  • Yanking on the line with the attached hand will momentarily dampen lateral movement and pull the drone towards the hooked point
  • Users can now be pulled
  • Adjusted reeling speed
  • Added reeling sound
  • Beam visual reacts to the line being taught
  • Fixed being blind when shutdown with no screen attached
  • Fixed eyes flickering on bootup
  • Fixed DOS blinker flickering on bootup
  • Removed old changelog from screen
  • Eye meshes now disable when shutdown
  • Gizmo and anchor space cleanup are now faster and more reliable
  • DRM circuit now locally drives the persistence of parts to prevent unauthorized saving
  • B.U.S.T.E.R. modes function better
  • Blaster mode laser shots now instance the beam as well as the hit
  • Overhauled blaster mode laser shot particles
  • Overhauled beam visuals and simplified the driving circuit
  • Beam mode shoving now works better and has slightly more force on overcharge
  • Beam mode visual is now sized better and has an extra internal cone
  • Minigun laser shots are now upgraded to be the same as blaster mode
  • Bitbot snapper is now smoothed rather than Bitbot himself
  • Added the PartType string parentvalue to arm and leg snappers
  • Added auto reel mode to G.R.A.P.P.L.E. activated by holding trigger
  • Fixed being unable to speak before the LITE screen has been replaced
  • Finger dots no longer attempt to reparent when a synced arm is attached to another user
  • Main thruster particle trail now activates in rocket mode while more than 100m from the local viewpoint
  • Main thruster particle trail now only activates when further than 20m from local viewpoint in addition to moving faster than 10m/s
  • Added NeolanderArm snapper tags to arm and leg SnapTargets
  • Added NeolanderHand snapper tags to modular arms
  • Arms and hands are now RingThings
  • Updated arm snapper on the head to be compatible with current systems
  • Hand snappers on the arms now have the PartType parent value string
  • Cloud spawning is now done through the black magic node rather than an invisible touchbutton
  • Added facet anchor to left hand
  • Moved unused facet panels out of the way by attaching them to the head
  • Adjusted G.R.A.P.P.L.E. mechanics to give a vertical shove when yanking
  • Tether now properly responds to talking lights
  • Updated trusted user list


  • Cloud variables are no longer cached as dynamic variables on bootup, instead the cloud variable reading components are used
  • Fixed left palm menu being able to open multiple times
  • Fixed left palm menu camera display
  • Moved screen voice output forward slightly
  • Fixed Alpha Bitbot voice output
  • Alpha Bitbot is now fully modular
  • Alpha Bitbot now populates on boot
  • Moved Railgun to the Modes submenu
  • Simplified Bitbot’s Railgun animation
  • Arms, claws, and hands are now duplicated from a single cloudspawned instance instead of being spawned multiple times
  • Repopulating parts now happens all at once instead of in sequence
  • Updated locomotion module sprite
  • Fixed locomotion module applying force while the pilot is in an anchor or has a different module selected
  • Emote menu is now stored on the screen to save load time and allow controlling multiple at once
  • Ejecting parts is now handled on the drone
  • Removed part ejecting circuit from hand, arm, and claw
  • Face camera now respects UI visibility variable
  • Any attached part can now be ejected
  • Recall now ends projectile motion on ejected parts
  • Added PartType parentvalues to RingThing eye snappers
  • Reworked torso leaning procedural animation to be more stable
  • G.R.A.P.P.L.E. point light is now based on plasma color instead of talking lights
  • G.R.A.P.P.L.E. hook now has grab release
  • Repulser blast now has hex loops along the visual
  • Updated finger joint meshes to remove nearly 3k polygons
  • Antenna rotations now use the dynamic variable in preparation for full head modularity
  • Added Body Module slot in preparation for full torso and head modularity
  • Tracking Offset now disables when not in use
  • Rocket mode no longer equips a B.U.S.T.E.R. to a hand if it already has one
  • Grabbability of subparts are now handled on the main part (e.g. the torso controls the arms and legs internally, the head controls the screen)
  • Wrist spinning now requires the part to be deployed in addition to attached
  • Added support for body modules to part receiving
  • Body modules can now override default head and torso
  • Default head and torso are now reset on boot
  • Ear and Visor buttons are now on the root of the head
  • Added User/IsOnGround variable
  • Legs no longer retract on ResetRustybot dynpulse if a body module is connected
  • Antenna can no longer be pulled while drone is shut down
  • Added dynamic variable space to drone head
  • Adjusted shoulder panel positions
  • Changed dynamic variable space of feet to RustyClaw so all dynspace names now match the tag of the object
  • Moved head grabbability control to the head itself
  • Part recall is now handled by a central while loop instead of each part tweening itself
  • Improved part recall animation
  • Part recall now has visual lasers
  • Part Ejector now cancels when recall is activated
  • Fixed recall lasers instancing when synced part is null
  • Turned Nametag text into a dynamic variable field
  • Nametag text now resets on reboot
  • Power supply calculation can now be overridden by body modules
  • High five effect is now a circle emitter and oriented based on the slap direction
  • Further improved torso leaning to behave more correctly
  • Began reworking leg stepping behaviour
  • Removed old foot transforms circuit
  • Stepping will eventually be an async while loop where each foot follows a bezier curve path while animating
  • Modified screen and eye stencil materials to function more correctly
  • Loading animation is now properly inset into the display volume
  • Reticle is now further inset into the display


  • Legs now step far more consistently (still needs fine tuning to prevent tippy taps)
  • Eyes are now slightly less inset into the display
  • Eyes now have mesh faces on the back to appear both 3d and hollow
  • Fixed booting text material having the wrong priority value, causing it to fail to be visible
  • DOS blinker is now further inset into the display
  • Screen tapping now runs on an async while loop and falls inwards as it expands
  • Fixed reboot working incorrectly
  • Replaced reticle cover mesh back to the small version for now
  • Fixed torso leaning only working correctly when facing directly forward in the playspace
  • Torso rotation now takes head facing direction into account to offset the hand average points forwards, reducing awkward flipping
  • Mitigated part recall leaving lasers behind when no part exists to recall
  • Changed when part recall reparents the part to fix visual offsets during the animation
  • Updated torso leaning to cooperate better with rocket/bike mode
  • Modified the conditions for the chest thruster to activate in rocket mode
  • Minigun is now fully modular, saving nearly 500 slots!
  • Fixed Shields positioning incorrectly in turret mode due to reading the wrong variable
  • Heavily optimized the new Minigun module
  • Minigun and Buster now both call laser shot projectiles from the drone rather than generating their own
  • Optimized Buster module slightly
  • Stepping is now handled by RaycastOnes instead of slots being driven
  • Disabled a bunch of flux that can function while off
  • Updated HexLoop template in drone Dataspace
  • Buster module now uses updated HexLoop
  • Boosting now uses the updated HexLoop template
  • HexLoops now have a point light
  • Removed two HexLoops from repulsor
  • Charge shot now emits a HexLoop on hit
  • Greatly compacted part receiving circuit using multiplexes to control flow paths
  • Added support for head modules
  • Converted railgun to a head module
  • Removed railgun animation circuitry from the drone, it’s all handled on the module now
  • Improved railgun blast effect
  • Improved railgun animation
  • Optimized railgun visuals
  • Modified how Bitbot’s plasma tethers work to increase reliability
  • Converted legs system to a torso module
  • Fixed a few bugs based on how legs are activated/deactivated
  • FPS counter and controller battery displays now use ValueTextDrivers instead of flux
  • Updated multitool DRM
  • Fixed legs not being grabbable due to broken reference from modularizing
  • Fixed right touch point variable being broken
  • Updated how the user list is cycled through on the left hand menu
  • Screen now repopulates slightly faster


  • Slightly improved fingertip mesh
  • Slightly improved forearm extension mesh
  • Slightly improved thumbtip mesh and fingertips more
  • Added a variable override for disabling the nametag
  • Added support for a Biped module
  • Adjusted torso leaning to prevent flipping out at high speeds
  • Optimized some meshes
  • Locomotion module now uses data presets for walk/fly/bike modes
  • Rocket mode now uses a while loop instead of field hooking
  • Adjusted locomotion animation parameters
  • Fixed hands/arms receiving quick menu signals twice
  • Adjusted yanking strength of grapple
  • Fixed grapple yank activating with frame drops
  • Updated treads animation
  • Updated treads activation driving
  • Adjusted volume of grapple sounds