This colony followed an almost cult-like following at it’s time on Earth. Very secret readings of a supposed bible, fortelling the end of the earth dying soon. Prayers, calling upon she who that is the goddess dying earth and asking for forgiveness. But overall, their end goal was not that of typical endings, but of escape.

Using the gathered riches of devout followers, espically those of the much richer folk of the time, they gathered great minds and got a group of 500+ people to space travel with all the needed resources and energy to live for decades upon decades of time.

Those left on Earth quickly forgot about such a ‘stupid’ event, deemed that the humans going on that trip rich or otherwise would be deceased within the space of a year. Little did they know that the colony would not only live, but thrive as they landed on the planet Beynos.

They would continue to rule over the information given to the colony, most information of earth wiped out, until the eventual birth of Samuel Kurt who would put an end to such a rule of the planet.