The Ring is a space station built by Rustybot and The Swarm in the year 2199. It was built as a form of truce between the two after they individually conclude they cannot defeat each other. Cared for by The Steward, The Ring is purposefully kept free of military and industrial equipment. It instead acts as a no-man’s-land orbiting a star directly between The Milky Way and Andromeda where all parties involved can diplomatically interact.


The Archive

The Ringleaders are no strangers to powerful artifacts or dangerous trinkets. The Archive is a non-Euclidian section of the space station brought into being by the magic of The Bardificer. Within, one can find a plethora of cursed objects and otherworldly doohickeys, safely catalogued and stored away.

The Council Chamber

The Council Chamber is located within the reinforced glass dome placed at the top of The Ring. It contains a large roundtable surrounded by chairs that represent each member of The Ringleaders council. The table contains an array of hologram projectors and sensors that create a dynamic volumetric interface that facilitates interaction with The Ring’s computer systems and can be used to present visuals during meetings.

The Reactor

The Reactor is a massive Underspace Harvester Core customized for the station’s infrastructure. It is located deep within the station and is under constant monitoring by The Ring Steward and Rustybot to ensure security and stability. This room also contains an auxiliary cold-fusion reactor as a fallback and method of jump-starting a lower-membrane puncture in the event of Underspace reactor failure.

The Server Room

The server room contains the core processing of The Ring’s computer systems as well as The Steward’s consciousness core, which is designed to be jettisoned in the case of an emergency that threatens the safety of The Steward and his memory banks containing the majority of important classified Ringleaders shared data.