- User Manual Info -

  • Default suit size is too small
  • New busters are positioned wrong in suit mode
  • Non-trusted pilots can’t open their own chest compartment
  • The chest compartment can’t be opened while shutdown, preventing the power core from being reinserted in case of energy loss
  • Leg raycasts don’t account for user scale
  • Headguns tilt incorrectly if the drone’s head is not facing the same direction as the body
  • The minigun sound driving doesn’t spool down correctly when retracting
  • Bitbot doesn’t disappear quickly enough during rocket/bike/compact mode transformations
  • Dequipping suit mode doesn’t reset hands
  • Recall lasers still appear when there’s no part to recall, then get stuck until a successful attempt is made

Sequence breaks

  • Turret mode doesn’t mesh well with rocket/bike mode
  • Many features fail to deactivate on shutdown