Thesianite Quartz or commonly just referred to as Thesianite is a type of crystal that pulls energy from Underspace.

Types of Thesianite


Quartz Thesianite is the most iconic type of Thesianite, it’s main attribute is it’s high energy generation.


Bismuth Thesianite has inherent healing attributes.


Obsidian Thesianite is incredibly sharp and lightweight.


Wolframite Thesianite is abnormally strong.


Chromium Thesianite is commonly used to create cloaking devices. Chromium Thesians have the natural ability to replicate anything it can see.


Apatite Thesianite has the ability to capture elements.

Energy Production

Thesianite naturally outputs energy from Underspace, when removed from a Thesian the Thesianite will only last for an amount of time unless energy is put back into it. When Thesianite fully runs out of energy it melts into formless black Thesian goo.