
“I was so used to my limited lifespan, and now I have what is practically eternity ahead of me, it’s pretty overwhelming.”

Unit 19 is the very first fully digital consciousness constructed in The Secondary Timeline, finalized and created by Samuel Kurt, Sarah Kelly, and a select few of The Ringleaders.

He is the ending result of the Mantra-Innovators AI Experiments.

A creation once thought completely impractical, or even nearly impossible within The Secondary Timeline, was Samuel Kurt’s last attempt at preserving himself into an artificial body.

Samuel would not be the one to finish this project, as he would die a few years before it’s proper completion, but all of his work and efforts would leave just enough of himself and his project for Sarah Kelly to finish it with a helpful hand of The Ringleaders.

This gap in time however would prove fatal in the proper revival of Samuel Kurt, as the information of his scanned mind would slowly reduce in quality from the many different directions having to go to get the pieces, those especially difficult to find and gain from Unit 1 and Unit 8.

At the end of the day, it would be closer to a reincarnation, Unit 19 merely having Samuel’s old memories, but now being a completely new person all on his own, and take on a more permanent spot as a Ringleader in Samuel Kurt’s place.

Newly Artificial Life


Unit 19 would take a long while on his own just getting adjusted to his new digital form, the processing of information of all kinds perfectly simulating that of a human body, and simultaneously being extremely different to anything he’s ever felt before.

He would overgo many dilemmas and personal issues, reaching out to other true AI that he knew of for assistance on such matters, such as Rustybot, The Swarm, or The Ring Steward. Only one of those options previously were a human beforehand, but he would take what he could get.

For most of his documented life on this site, he would be doing his best to figure out who he is, and how he feels about himself and who he used to be, and what to do with himself now that he has a long way ahead of him.


Similarities to Samuel

Closer to Samuel’s younger self, Unit 19 has this sense of optimism that at times can be confusing to most, to him the fact that his existence is possible with majorly Samuel’s contributions alone is absolutely proof that even if something is merely theoretically possible, if one works hard enough, it can and WILL be done. This optimism is fueled further by the seeming lack of a time limit in his life, neither the span of a human life nor the fear of sickness, and now not even things like sleep or eating are limiting factors to his work.

Differences to Samuel

Upon his activation, Unit 19 would act deceivingly similar to that of his previous incarnation, but it would be almost as a front, Samuel is all he previously knew, so he leaned on it for a while before breaking that disguise.

Unlike Samuel, Unit 19 acts a lot less formal, and leans more into his own emotional side, and in general relays his emotions in many more ways than Samuel did in his lifetime as a Ringleader, or even in his previous life beforehand. His intelligence remained intact, but Unit 19 has lost any remnant of connection or relation to The Splinter Anomaly.

He would start out pretty inconsistent, trying out dumb phrases or nicknames for himself or other people, and generally try to present himself as more approachable, as it would be something he would feel important to him. He has lots of trouble learning newer information at first, like information gets stuck in his head and unable to process, but he would get past all of this and these blocks of his mind with time.

He would work with himself and The Ringleaders to gain a much more better sense of self, and he ends up generally being much more carefree than Samuel was in his lifetime, and it’ll lead to his future being much brighter, and being helpful to those around him instead of those around him helping him.

Physical Description


The building housing Unit 19’s functionality is very wide, with five different floors of storage for components making him up, and a basement that goes on another two floors.

Physical body

The robotic body that Unit 19 connects to using QEC is described as having a rectangular head with a smooth top, three mechanical eyes directly in front of a screen all useful for displaying information or displaying emotions visually. Different parts of the body have red strips of Animium visible along parts of the body in case of QEC disconnection.

The rest of the body has a simple construction that is mostly rectangular or bevled, most if not all of the insides being made expressly for sensory input and interaction in a physical space. Most parts are floating so some physical limits are not limiting, but they can lock up to physical joints when needed for low-power mode, or more physical strength.