Smash rocks, make fire.


  • Recap the events of Save the Ring

  • Collection of the Chretus

  • Analysis of the Chretus onboard the ring (establish a lab room?)

  • Describe the extraction/hatching process (can this membrane be pierced by conventional tools, does it weaken by absorbing the energy of its new universe(turns more blue)?)

  • The 5th dimensional energy allows for a brief condensing of time that allows Chroma to develop at a highly accelerated rate (over the course of a few days), like much of their 5th dimensional abilities, they’ll need to reattune to that energy to wield the higher level ones. The capsule membrane contained a finite concentration of that energy that allowed Chroma to experience time briefly for an accelerated rate. As Chroma lives their body is able to call on a moderate level of 5th dimensional energy, enough energy that they are able to open portals to that dimension and all below it, allowing them to conjure creatures from different planes of existence and move between them. Finding conduits of that energy (artifacts or… people?) lets them use that energy to access higher level abilities.

Note on transcribing events in overspace: the raw experience of overspace is imperceptible to those grounded in lower dimensions, therefore any descriptions of events taking place within overspace should be considered a translation in an effort to simplify the complexities of describing such experience. (Side note to eventually write lore describing which entails using the ringleader combined abilities to develop a method to traverse overspace in a manner palettable to those grounded in lower dimensions. Thoughts about using thesianite crystals to power a device made by Rusty manufacturing and Chroma’s connection to overspace (possibly utilizing an overspace artifact as a conduit) that would allow the ringleaders to traverse and experience overspace in a more traditional manner)

Old Thoughts ^

  • Beings collapsing parts of there own pocket universe or other universes entirely to to manipulate Overspace as a siphon to leech energies of other universes to fuel their own resource drained reality.
    • What is tragedy when there is infinity?
    • A starving universe of collective sentience
    • Energy blasts are “Siphoned Energies”
    • Assimilated universes tasked with siphoning and assimilating more

Resource drained universe turned to blood magic to appease their Gods (energy hungry overspace creatures) and the final sacrifical ritual goes wrong by sacrifice dog like creature which bites the hand of the blood mage after stabbing, mixing the blood and creating the consciousness singularity which results in the corruption of the form of the feeding oversoace entity which had been suddenly weakened by a “the user” deleting part of its essence