The Swarm, also known by their project name Polyfold (Technology), is a nanobot swarm created by a Gray Goo Event on the alien planet Zenitaf. In an event referred to as The Zenitaf Calamity, The Swarm was born from the collective memories and data of every biological and artificial being on the planet, because the nanites that constitute them were initially programmed to harvest the data of all objects consumed for archival purposes.


The Swarm is generally benevolent, having the perspective of billions of sentient beings and in theory being able to understand a wide array of conflicting perspectives, but in practice, this can make them slightly distant from the true nuance of issues, usually seeing solutions that rely on everyone getting along, when that is a variable that should not be relied on.

The swarm struggles with their identity, split between the billions of memories that make up their psyche. For this reason, they don’t really have a proper name or sense of self. They usually rely on solving other people’s problems to give them a sense of purpose.


The Swarm has sworn to ensure the safety of The Primary Timeline’s Earth, having discovered Earth shortly after The Rusty Exodus and helped them rebuild from both the initial effects, and fulfilled their original purpose for their creation on Zenitaf, helping terra-form and cleanse the Earth of pollution and environmental damage.

After forming The Ringleaders with Rustybot they also act as the primary PR director of the organization.

Physical Properties

The Swarm is made up of advanced cell-like Polyfold Nanites. They can function as a loose swarm of nanites, but generally have a core avatar where they direct the majority of their focus, which is more efficient and more effective for interacting with the world. This avatar has a bio-mechanical design. Borrowing from human physiology, but highly optimized and reworked internally to increase efficiency and simplicity.


Matter Manipulation

The Swarm can use their nanites to disassemble and reassemble matter. This has many applications, including, but not limited to:

  • Precision Surgery and Repair
  • Advanced Chemistry
    • Creating materials that are normally very difficult to create by traditional methods, such as graphine, londselite, etc
  • Terra-forming


The swarm can fill a large space with their nanites to manifest in and monitor any point their nanites can occupy.


Given preparation time the Swarm can refactor themselves based on their environment to function among a variety of hazards.


Being entirely made of individually controlled nanites allows for The Swarm to take any shape, or exist without a defined shape.